
ID Status Summary
81 New playwith() crashes on window resize
80 New 'Back' button unintentionally resizes the output window
79 New playwith package crashes R 3.0.1 fresh install on OSX 10.8.4
78 New Enhancement: allow dragging (repositioning) of plot points
77 Invalid playwith does not work interactively if called with a function from which plot is called
76 New Playwith does not work with ggplot2 > 0.9.0
75 New pointer being freed was not allocated
74 New ggplot qplot example fails
73 New playwith doesn't ask confirmation for overwrite
72 New playwith does not plot all panels in a lattice xyplot multipanel display - R code and screen shot included
71 New accelerators not working
70 New cannot load playwith package
69 Fixed RGtk2_2.20.1 breaks playwith
68 New Failure to load dependency cairoDevice
67 Accepted translation! Type-Enhancement Priority-High
66 Accepted query state of autoplay()
65 Accepted right-click tool to add horiz/vertical line Type-Enhancement
64 Fixed support for spplot Type-Enhancement Priority-High
63 WontFix Rgl does not work with playwith
62 WontFix Playwith doesn't work with jgr
61 Fixed robustbase deactivates tool-buttons for 3d plots
60 New saving the plot results in crash
59 Fixed Left click not working
58 Accepted keep theme/style settings with plot code Type-Enhancement Priority-High
57 Fixed keep history from previous playwith() Type-Enhancement Priority-High
56 Accepted zoom in time.mode should default to x axis only Type-Enhancement Priority-High
55 Accepted plot settings: add lines / grid Priority-High
54 Accepted save and restore a playwith session Priority-High
53 Accepted allow dragging annotation objects Priority-Medium
52 Accepted unify "back" and "undo annotation" Priority-High
51 Invalid HelloTool and other examples don't work because function playwith() cannot be found
50 Fixed think through playReplot vs playNewPlot Priority-Critical
49 Accepted plot settings: edit strip text Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
48 Accepted test "basic device mode" Priority-Medium
47 Accepted add GTK color selection widget to style dialogs Priority-High
46 WontFix latticist: "outer" argument with superpose/explode Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
45 Fixed better "keep" function Type-Defect Priority-High
44 Fixed better 3d rotate Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
43 Fixed latticist - covariate, "z" variable Type-Enhancement Priority-High
42 Duplicate latticist - variable represented by colours Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
41 Accepted options for save as... Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
40 Accepted test latticist and playwith on various datasets Type-Task Priority-Medium
39 WontFix handle large datasets in latticist? Type-Enhancement Priority-High
38 WontFix avoid replotting for simple redraws Type-Enhancement Priority-High
37 WontFix context menu for lattice elements Type-Enhancement Priority-High
36 Fixed use update() on trellis objects Type-Enhancement Priority-High
35 Accepted dendrogram / graph example Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
34 Accepted better zoom in multi-panel plots Type-Defect Priority-High
33 Accepted general vector-based zoom Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
32 Fixed GUI overhaul (menubar etc) Type-Enhancement Priority-High
31 WontFix store plot data object centrally Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
30 Fixed API for handling new plot types Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
29 Fixed "full scale" should ignore factors Type-Defect Priority-High
28 Fixed identify as default click action Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
27 Fixed easy widgets to control variables (like rpanel) Type-Enhancement Priority-High
26 Fixed gwidgets is too slow -- use glade instead Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
25 WontFix support vcd Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
24 Fixed fix back / forward history Type-Defect Priority-High
23 Fixed xlim in time.mode should be in index class Type-Defect Priority-High
22 WontFix hover identify? Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
21 Fixed set time.mode based on first arg to (ts/zoo) Type-Enhancement Priority-High
20 Fixed zoom as default action Type-Enhancement Priority-High
19 Fixed call handling Type-Defect Priority-High
18 Fixed Error in playState$call in demo Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 Accepted maptools::pointLabel for ID labels Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
16 Accepted export data tool Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
15 Accepted annotate: place legend Type-Enhancement Priority-High
14 Started support ggplot2 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
13 Started DOM inspector for grid Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
12 Fixed options, including default tool set Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
11 WontFix write a vignette Type-Enhancement Priority-High
10 Fixed move examples into demos Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
9 Fixed identify points on qqmath / qqnorm Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Fixed identify points with log scales (playSelectData) Type-Defect Priority-High
7 Fixed linked plots Type-Enhancement Priority-High
6 Fixed show location of cursor in native coords Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
5 Fixed options for "identify" Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
4 Fixed time mode text-box in data format Type-Enhancement Priority-High
3 Fixed Copy as WMF Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
2 Fixed Drag to identify points etc Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
1 Fixed plot settings dialog Type-Enhancement Priority-High