PHP Function Reference
What it is
PHP Function Reference (PHPfr) is a Mac OS X Dashboard widget that provides fast lookup of information about the PHP web programming language.
How you can help
There are several areas where you can help contribute to improving PHPfr! Top of the list is localizations.
Several people have graciously donated their time to translate the interface from American English into German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Romanian. New translations are welcome. Additionally, I would love to have native speakers review the localizations that are already in place for accuracy.
Of course, if you're a hot-shot widget hacker, feel free to dig into the code and play with things, tackle any outstanding bug reports, and even add features.
Inspired by a post by Sean Cribbs to the Radiant CMS list, I want to make it known to anyone interested in contributing to PHPfr that you will get commit privileges with the first accepted patch. So, hack away and let me see what you come up with!
This is the place to file bug reports and feature requests. There is also a forum set up where you can ask questions related to the widget. There isn't much traffic there now, but I will monitor the forums and answer any questions folks have.
Thank you for your interest in PHPfr!
-Andrew Hedges