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perl-android-apk - issue #1

CPAN is not working

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 by Helpful Lion

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Launch a root shell (E.g. Terminal Emulator) 2. Change to perl-dir 3. Run: perl -MCPAN

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I want to see some messages by CPAN module.

I get: Can't locate File/Spec/Unix.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /data/data/com.android.perl/files/perl/5.10.0 [and much more]) at /data/data/com.android.perl/files/perl/5.10.0/File/Spec.pm

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? You latest version :o) /com.android.perl/files/perl/5.10.0

Please provide any additional information below. Maybe the Spec folder is missing?

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 by Helpful Lion

Okay, it is 5.11.0 (perl -v), the name of the folder is misleading.

Comment #2

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 by Helpful Elephant

Closing the issue them :-)

Comment #3

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 by Helpful Lion

I accidentially stated the wrong perl version above, so I updated the version info. Still, it does not work ;)

Comment #4

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 by Helpful Elephant

I see. The current version of Perl came from the android-scripting project ( https://code.google.com/p/android-scripting/downloads/list). So you might search for or post a question at that project. You should note however that XS modules (modules that need compiling), and those that have XS dependencies, won't work with this version of Perl.

There were plans to update Perl to the latest version and to include more working modules, if interest picks up. In the meantime, you might try using the version over at PerlDroid (https://code.google.com/p/perldroid/).

Comment #5

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 by Helpful Lion

Okay, thank you for the hint! I'll nag them over there :)

Status: Done

Type-Defect Priority-Medium