Using newer nokia 3310 lcds the display is truncated in the upper side and has garbage in the lower side; additionally, the contrast is too low.
How to fix: In PCD8544.cpp in the definition of "begin" use this instead: // Set the LCD parameters... this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x21); // extended instruction set control (H=1) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x13); // bias system (1:48) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0xDB); // set Vop (3.06 + 66 * 0.06 = 7V) //both this and the previous one have to do with the contrast this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x45); //solve the Y offset this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x20); // extended instruction set control (H=0) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x09); // all display segments on
Also, in your sketches use: // lcd.begin(84, 48); lcd.begin(102,80);//correct sizes for the newer/different chip
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Grumpy ElephantNewer displays use the ST7576 chip. The development trunk version has the necessary changes to support it.
Status: Fixed