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pcd8544 - issue #3

how to adapt to the new LCDs (solve the incompatibilities)

Posted on Mar 10, 2011 by Quick Rhino

Using newer nokia 3310 lcds the display is truncated in the upper side and has garbage in the lower side; additionally, the contrast is too low.

How to fix: In PCD8544.cpp in the definition of "begin" use this instead: // Set the LCD parameters... this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x21); // extended instruction set control (H=1) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x13); // bias system (1:48) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0xDB); // set Vop (3.06 + 66 * 0.06 = 7V) //both this and the previous one have to do with the contrast this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x45); //solve the Y offset this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x20); // extended instruction set control (H=0) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x09); // all display segments on

Also, in your sketches use: // lcd.begin(84, 48); lcd.begin(102,80);//correct sizes for the newer/different chip

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Grumpy Elephant

Newer displays use the ST7576 chip. The development trunk version has the necessary changes to support it.

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-Medium