
ID Status Summary
1338 New Patch for /samples/rest_rpc/sample.xml Type-Patch
1337 New Mini Fazenda suspensa Type-Feature Container-API
1336 New Mini Fazenda suspensa Type-Feature Container-API
1335 Invalid My Orkut has been deleted Container-API Type-Defect
1334 Invalid Minifazenda aplicativo Container-API Type-Defect
1333 UnderReview relationship indication in Person object Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5.1 Patch_Available
1332 New Content-Rewrite default expectations change Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1331 Invalid OpenSocial API stopped working for Calendar Gadget Container-API Type-Defect
1330 New Add optional callback to adjustHeight, adjustWidth, and adjustSize APIs OpenSocial-next Type-Defect
1329 New Clarify use cases around the dynamic-height and adjustHeight OpenSocial-next Type-Defect
1327 UnderReview Delete a person Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5.1 Patch_Available
1326 UnderReview Response codes using REST protocol Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5.1 Patch_Available
1325 Under_Discussion API to obtain actual gadget URL. Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1324 Published Gadget XML Schema defines a scrolling attribute for content elements Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1323 Published Missing the specifications for metadata information for Collections data type for JSON-RPC and REST endpoints Container-API Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1322 Published Deprecate format parameter Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1321 Published gadgets.views.openEmbeddedExperience should take the data model as a String or an Object Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1320 UnderReview ActivityStreams Service defects Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5.1 Patch_Available
1319 Duplicate Add embed as a field in the activityEntry Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5
1318 Published deliverTo: incorrectly specified on ActivityObject Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1317 Published Change the namespace for support from org.opensocial to openSocial Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1316 Published Remove the previewImageData for EE data model and add support for data URI Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-2.5 Priority-High Patch_Available Vote-Called
1315 New Deprecate URL Templates For Views Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1314 Published Add icon optional property to the preferred experience display of type text OpenSocial-2.5 Type-Feature Priority-High Container-API Patch_Available Vote-Called
1313 Published Revision of Embedded Experience preferred experience type proposal to change display type from link to text Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-2.5 Priority-High Patch_Available Vote-Called
1312 Invalid Small revisions to the Embedded Experience precisions proposal Container-API Type-Defect
1311 New For the "content-rewrite" feature, the "expires" param inappropriately supersedes normal Cache-control mechanisms Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1310 New Anonymous Users In An OpenSocial Container Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1309 Published Views and URL Templates Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1308 New Use IRI for Error code Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1307 New Use IRI for Open social data type identifiers Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1306 New Support "view level titles" Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1305 New The embedded experiences context object should be something other than a primitive value Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1304 New Fix sortOrder in standard query string parameters Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1303 New Deprecate the format query string parameter Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1302 New New updatedBefore query string parameter Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1301 New New @public identifier Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1300 Published The description of the opt_params parameter for requestNavigateTo appears to be wrong Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1299 New Make Security-policy a top level concept, not a feature Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1298 New Undefined headers attribute on os:HttpRequest Container-API Type-Defect
1297 New Improved Application Lifecycle Events in Core-Gadget Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1296 New Introduce new os:Link Data Pipeline Element Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1295 New Replace ExternalService ServiceTag elements with Link/@rel="external-service" Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1294 New Support the use of xml:base in gadget specification Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1293 New Case sensitivity of view names Container-API Type-Defect
1292 New Replace Preload elements with Link/@rel=prefetch Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1291 New API to access Links Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1290 New Use RFC4647 Lang Ranges in Locale Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1289 New Privacy Policy, License and Terms-of-use Links Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1288 New Thumbnail and Screenshot Links Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1287 Invalid Test issue ignore this Container-API Type-Defect
1286 New is underspecified Container-API Type-Defect
1285 New Update URL template support to match RFC Container-API Type-Defect
1284 Published Preferred Experiences and other refinements to Embedded Experiences Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1283 Published Add additional fields to the module section to support use in market places Type-Feature Container-API OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1282 Published Add label to plural fields Type-Feature Container-API OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1281 Published Add @followers/@following/@colleagues/@reports/@manager Type-Feature Container-API OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1280 New locked-domain feature Type-Feature Container-API
1279 UnderReview Message-Collection-Id definition Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5.1 Patch_Available
1278 New Refine Gadget Roles for 3.0 Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1277 New shared-script-frame Type-Feature Container-API
1276 New Container specification is missing docmentation on osapi.connect set of API calls in Shindig Container-API Type-Defect
1275 Published Deprecate Tabs, Skins, and WAP extension in OpenSocial 2.5 Type-Feature Container-API OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1274 New Deprecate Preload tag in ModulePrefs Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.1
1273 New Support xml:base and xml:lang in EE XML Data model Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-next
1272 New Total lack of clarity in Gadget Lifecycle Events Container-API Type-Defect
1271 New ExternalServices description in Core Gadget spec is useless Container-API Type-Defect
1270 New Embedded experiences XML data model is not properly namespaced Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-next
1269 New pubsub-2 subscribe parameter description's are incorrect Container-API Type-Defect
1268 New i18n Feature Editorial Issues Container-API Type-Defect
1267 New Normative spec text does not belong in an appendix Container-API Type-Defect
1266 New Embedded Experiences in Email required text/html Part Container-API Type-Defect
1265 New Replace XML Schema with RELAX NG in spec Container-API Type-Defect
1264 New Fix gadget actions spec to specify all actions as a child of an actions tag Container-API Type-Defect
1263 New Lifecycle event api spec in Common Container is incorrect Container-API Type-Defect
1262 New Field table for the OpenSocial Message object does not contain the data field Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-next
1261 Published Object Metadata service Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1260 New View Targets for* apis should have constants associated with them Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-next
1259 Published Error in selection spec Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1258 New Atom examples in File Upload section of Core API Spec? Container-API Type-Defect
1257 New Social Gadget Spec - multiple issues Container-API Type-Defect
1256 New Core Data Spec - Date Format Container-API Type-Defect
1255 New Core Data Spec - Activity Streams Issue Container-API Type-Defect
1254 New Core Gadget Spec... multiple issues Container-API Type-Defect
1253 New Container Spec needs more explanatory text throughout Container-API Type-Defect
1252 New Container Spec needs Examples Container-API Type-Defect
1251 New Container spec compliance levels Container-API Type-Defect
1250 New Service Definition missing from Concepts and Terminology Section Container-API Type-Defect
1249 Published You have to write a large amount of code to access the embedded experience context Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1248 Published Finalize and move the common container spec out of incubation Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available Vote-Called
1247 New Mentions To Container Requirement/Functionality Should Be Moved To The Common Container Spec Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1246 New Difficult to find which feature to use for some APIs Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1245 Published container.views.destroyElement need to be renamed and clarified. Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1244 Duplicate Inconsistencies with "-ID" and "-Id" Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5
1243 New Clean up templating spec Container-API Type-Feature OpenSocial-3.0
1242 Published Clear up OpenSocial 0.8 licensing issue Container-API Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpenSocial-0.8
1241 Duplicate New core-gadget feature: gadgets.proxiedMultipartFormPost Type-Feature Container-API OpenSocial-2.5
1240 New Clean up duplication in makeRequest spec. Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-3.0
1239 Published Broken links in spec for app id / group id Container-API Type-Defect OpenSocial-2.5 Patch_Available
1238 New Embedded Experience Activity Streams Example Uses Wrong Namespace OpenSocial-next Type-Defect Container-API