
Internet On Things

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are currently reorganizing this code repository and Source File Headers as Google Code prevents to use different licenses on the same project.

Please consider that all Libraries (LIB), Code Examples (APP, PRJ), Application notes (AN) shall be considered as licensed with a more permissive license: The Apache License, Version 2.0 >>


Flyports are programmable and open source system on module based on Microchip PIC processors with different kind of connectivity to Internet: Wi-Fi, Ethernet and GPRS. Flyport modules are an easy way to control and connect systems over Internet and are pin to pin compatible to let you desing a unique expansion board. You can create your applications running on Flyport, just C/C++ expertize is needed. The IDE is free and on module is preloaded a serial bootloader.

The following services run contemporaneously onboard:

  • Customizable embedded webserver

  • TCP/UDP client/server

  • FTP Client

  • email Client

Flyport modules architecture

  • Microcontroller PIC24Fj256 (256K Flash, 16K Ram, 16 Mips)

  • Transceiver (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, GPRS)

  • LDO (5V->3.3V)

  • Flash Memory (16Mbits)

  • Connector J1 (26 ways) is present in each Flyport module

  • Connector J2 (26 ways) is present only on Flyport Ethernet and GPRS

Flyport has also the Firmware upgrade over Internet feature: the .hex file can be saved into a FTP server to upgrade modules on the field.

External libraries may be used for external hardware (such as sensors/actuators) or to send/receove data on the Cloud.


openPicus free IDE lets you reduce development time from 4-6 months to just few days. The complex communication stack works in the background managed by freeRTOS and you can easily control its events. Just C/C++ programming skills are needed to start programming Flyport.




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