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ID Status Summary
193 New Installation of openmobster cloud server on my windows m/c with server-ip other than localhost Type-Defect Priority-Medium
192 New How to access hsql database using SQuirrel SQL Type-Defect Priority-Medium
191 New Scan for any Mobile Bean modifications/deletions that need to be synchronized with the specified device Type-Defect Priority-Medium
190 Accepted Provide a App level Sync API Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android iOS
189 Accepted Add the ability to customize the queries to the locally stored MobileBeans in a channel Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android iOS
188 Accepted Add the ability to specify how many objects to download during a Sync Handshake Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android iOS Backend
187 Accepted Refactor the Android Sync Engine using a WorkFlow concept like in iOS engine Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android
186 Verified TX Rollback upon RPC failure Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.4-M3 Backend
185 New iOS Push Notification throws error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
184 Accepted Add ability to send binary content on the RPC service Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Backend Android iOS
183 Verified Wrap RPC Parameters in a CDATA block Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.4-M3 Android iOS
182 Verified server network error Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.4-M3 Backend
181 New Bean list entry with empty property is saved as null value Type-Defect Priority-Medium
180 Verified Invalidate the Channel Daemon Device Cache Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.4-M3 Backend
179 Verified Upgrade the Android Maven Plugin Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M3 Build
178 Accepted Detect a Boot Sync Failure and start another session automatically Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android iOS
177 Verified Automatically re-establish the Push socket Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.4-M3 Android
176 Accepted Upgrade PhoneGap Support from 1.5 to 2.7 for iOS Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 iOS
175 Verified Upgrade PhoneGap Support from 1.5 to 2.7 Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M3 Android iOS
174 Accepted Integrate SQLCipher as an Encrypted Database Option Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 Android
173 Accepted Load Test SSL Connections Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Backend
172 Accepted Start Developing the end-to-end SDK Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 Backend Android iOS
171 Accepted Load Balance the Sync Service Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Backend
170 New Provide feature to schedule sync in openmobster. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
169 New error in openmosbter-config.xml cloud side Type-Defect Priority-Medium
168 Verified Sample Locationapp install Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.4-M3
167 Verified mobileBean unable to update null values in the cloud side Type-Defect Priority-High 2.4-M3 Android iOS
166 New CRUD demo - saving data to server Type-Defect Priority-Medium
165 New Want to know about the database tables Type-Defect Priority-Medium
164 New performance doubt in Android OS Type-Defect Priority-Medium
163 Accepted Build the Online Mode Live Beans Framework Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 Backend Android iOS
162 Accepted Create a File Mobilization Service Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 Android iOS Backend
161 Accepted Security Integration Framework Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Backend
160 Accepted Add more iOS Sample Apps Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 iOS Backend
159 Accepted Create a JEE App Synced with Android Sample App Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android Backend
158 New D2D Push Framework - Chat Sample - OpenMobster 2.4-M2: Notification Never Received Type-Defect Priority-Medium
157 Accepted Develop a workflow where Android Apps are Pushed From the Management Console for OTA installation Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android Backend
156 Accepted Integrate CloudManager widget into the sample apps Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.4-M4 Android
155 Accepted iOS Background syncing Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 iOS
154 Verified Fix the BootSync issue in Background Sync Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC2 Android
153 Verified Improve the MobileBean query performance on Android Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.4-M3 Android iOS
152 Verified HornetQException[errorCode=104 message=Header size (110093) is too big, use the messageBody for large data, or increase minLargeMessageSize] Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC2 Backend
151 Verified Check if there is some limitation to the size of the MobileBean in Android Type-Defect Priority-Critical 2.4-M3 Android
150 Verified Improve the Android Configuration process Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.4-M1 Android
149 Accepted Write a Camera Sync Sample App Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 Android Samples
148 Invalid MobileBeanId Issue with new beans. readById does not work Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC2 Android iOS
147 Invalid Device Side Bean Serialization omits empty strings Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC2 Android iOS
146 Verified In the MobileBean API, getValue throws a NullPointerException for a Null value Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Android
145 Verified Re-implement the getUnqiueDeviceIdentifier routine Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 iOS
144 New Provide feature comparison with GCM and APNS Type-Defect Priority-Medium
143 Invalid Unable to register CLOUDManager app Type-Defect Priority-Medium
142 Invalid Manual Sync of CloudManager App not showing channel name Type-Defect Priority-Medium
141 WontFix Re-design the BaseCloudActivity Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Android
140 Verified The Showcase sample app points to webappsync in the app packaging Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.2-RC1 Android
139 Verified Internal Server Error in the Management Console when logging in with a Deactivated Account Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Console
138 Verified A CloudManager Module for iOS Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-RC1 iOS
137 Verified A failed Activation followed by a proper activation results in failure Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 iOS
136 Verified Activate the wrong IP. Seems like wrong IP is still used after providing the right IP Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 iOS
135 Verified Perform an iOS boot sync upon successful activation of the device with the Cloud Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.2-RC1 iOS
134 Accepted Provide a REST API for Push Notifications engine Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 Cloud Push
133 Accepted Demonstrate how to use the Push Module from an independent web app Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.4-M4 Cloud Push
132 Verified Port some Android bug fixes to iOS Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Android iOS
131 Verified Look into two boot syncs during Channel startup Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Sync Android iOS
130 Verified Update the .classpath generated by the AppCreator Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-RC1 AppCreator
129 Verified Dev Mode CloudManager is not being installed Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-RC1 AppCreator
128 Verified I don't how to deploy app into cloud Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.2-RC1 Sync
127 Verified Change ConflictEntry 'state' column to be of type blob instead of string Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Sync
126 Accepted Update the README.txt file for the sample apps Type-Defect Priority-High 2.4-M4 AppCreator
125 Verified CloudManager module for iOS Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.2-RC1 iOS
124 Accepted Forgot/Reset Password with the Management Console Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M4 Console
123 Invalid cloudmanager APK fails to install on Android emulator 4.0 API Level 14, or higher Type-Defect Priority-Medium
122 Verified Check user credentials on App startup Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M9 Android iOS
121 Verified Re-Assign device from Console should lead to password reset Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-M8 Console
120 Verified Consolidate the Android App Config Type-Task Priority-High 2.4-M1 Android
119 Verified TX Handling during Bulk Updates Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical 2.2-M7 Cloud Sync
118 Verified Make Device Serialization more robust Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical 2.2-M7 Cloud
117 Verified Clenaup the CloudService Looper code Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M7 Android
116 Verified Write PhoneGap plugins Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-RC1 Android iOS
115 Verified Can't Build Binary Release Type-Defect Priority-Medium
114 Verified Allow Message Customization of Sync Push Notification Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.2-M7 Android
113 Verified Add Application-Level Hooks on the device side to process Push messages Type-Enhancement Priority-High 2.2-M7 Android Push
112 Verified Managing Apps in the Corporate Store Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.2-RC1 Console
111 Verified cleanup the android-release profile Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M6 Build
110 Verified Look into Performance issues on the MobileBean NotEquals query Type-Defect Priority-Critical 2.2-M6 Android iPhone
109 Verified Clean up the AppCreator templates from old BlackBerry dependencies Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M7
108 Verified Add security module to cloud-sdk Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M6
107 Verified Package the console.war file in hsqldb or mysql mode Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.2-M7 Build
106 Verified Enforce validation on Admin Accounts for the Management Console Type-Defect Priority-Medium 2.2-M6 Console
105 Verified When the CloudManager throws a Validation Error a detailed message must be presented Type-Defect Priority-Critical 2.2-M6 Android iPhone
104 Accepted Support the HTML5 platform Type-Task Priority-High 3.0-M1 Android iPhone HTML5
103 Accepted Upgrade JBoss Support Type-Task Priority-Medium 2.4-M4 JBoss Backend
102 Verified OTA Installation of the Encrypted Cloud Manager binary Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M6 Android
101 Verified Document the new Push Framework Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M5 Android
100 Verified Integrate new Push framework with the Titanium module Type-Task Priority-High 2.2-M5 Android Titanium
99 Accepted A way to test the iPhone push stack Type-Defect Priority-High 2.4-M4
98 Accepted Handling Sync Conflicts using an API on the device side Type-Defect Priority-High 2.4-M4 Android iOS
97 Verified Write a testcase when the channel is not booted up at the device Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-M5 Android iPhone
96 Invalid Write the demo showing iCloud-like synchronization Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-M5 Android iPhone Titanium
95 Verified The Javascript layer needs to cache a new bean and commit once Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-M5
94 Verified When the channel data is not available (NullPointer) Type-Defect Priority-High 2.2-M5