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ooo2gd - issue #87

Could not convert document: Could not convert document

Posted on Jul 29, 2010 by Happy Wombat

Version of OOo2GD: 2.2.0 Version of Java: 1.6.0_20 Operating System: 2.6.32-24-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 5 09:22:14 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux Version of OO.org: 3.2.0 Is OO.org using Sun Java?: yes

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. open the document 2. try to export

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? error dialog

Please provide any additional information below.

anti@antimobile:~$ ooffice anti@antimobile:~$ com.google.gdata.util.InvalidEntryException: Could not convert document. <errors xmlns='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005'> <error> <domain>GData</domain> <code>InvalidEntryException</code> <internalReason>Could not convert document.</internalReason> </error> </errors>

at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.handleErrorResponse(HttpGDataRequest.java:558)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.GoogleGDataRequest.handleErrorResponse(GoogleGDataRequest.java:543)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.checkResponse(HttpGDataRequest.java:536)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest.execute(HttpGDataRequest.java:515)
at com.google.gdata.client.http.GoogleGDataRequest.execute(GoogleGDataRequest.java:515)
at com.google.gdata.client.media.MediaService.insert(MediaService.java:390)
at org.openoffice.gdocs.util.GoogleDocsWrapper.uploadFile(GoogleDocsWrapper.java:166)
at org.openoffice.gdocs.util.GoogleDocsWrapper.upload(GoogleDocsWrapper.java:110)
at org.openoffice.gdocs.ui.dialogs.UploadDialog$9.run(UploadDialog.java:499)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 29, 2010 by Massive Rabbit

It's something wrong with this ODS file, even if you try to upload this file to Google Docs using Upload it fails. Saving this file as XLS and uploading to Google Docs works.

Comment #2

Posted on Aug 3, 2010 by Happy Wombat

if I delete the last line on second and third sheet it imports too... so there is something wrong :) (the import is interesting, because it break the references, etc... but its googles importer)

thanks for your help!

Status: WontFix

Type-Defect Priority-Medium