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ooo2gd - issue #85


Posted on Jun 11, 2010 by Happy Bird

Version of OOo2GD:2.2 Version of Java:* Operating System:* Version of OO.org:3.2 Is OO.org using Sun Java?:yes

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.setup knowledgetree server 3.7 ce 2.enable webdav 3.open OOo and try to save file

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I expected the file to save. saving to this setup fails with error 492 Please provide any additional information below. This is more of a feature request to have OOo using this plugin integrate with knowledgetree, they are using some oddball stuff and dav only works with "supported clients" basically it amounts to having a local mounted webdav folder and you manually having to copy files to it or using the web interface to upload your docs instead of being able to save directly from OOo.

http://knowledgetree.com commercial page http://www.knowledgetree.org/Main_Page community edition http://sourceforge.net/projects/kt-dms/ sourceforge project page

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium