Version of OOo2GD: 2.2.0 Version of Java: most recent Operating System: WinXP SP3 with newest hotfixes Version of 3.2 Is using Sun Java?: Yes
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create a doc, and click upload to GD in the ooo2gd toolbar 2. Open, verify that the document is on the list 3. Try to open the document
What is the expected output? I expect the document to be displayed in GD
What do you see instead? After a short "conversion" page, I'm told, that the owner have not shared the document with me. The owner is .. me... I get the option to ask the owner for permission to access this document. When I do so, I get an email informing me, that I want access to the document I own. If I click the link in the mail, I see a conversion page, and are then told, that the owner have not shared the document with me - I get the option to ask the owner for permission ..... (repeat infinitly)
Please provide any additional information below. It used to work, but for some reason, it doesn't anymore. ooo2gd get's perfect access to my google docs - I see the full list of documents in the dialog, I can upload, I can see the doc at the list, but can't open it :-/
Status: New