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ooo2gd - issue #83

NO EXPORT: URI has an authority component

Posted on May 2, 2010 by Grumpy Rhino

Version of OOo2GD: 2.2.0 Version of Java: 6u20 Operating System: Windows 7 Version of OO.org: 3.2 Is OO.org using Sun Java?: Yes

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Export to Google Docs OR 2. Export to Zoho OR 3. Export to WebDAV

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

I am a newcomer to OOo2GD as of April 30. However, I did try the import buttons, and there were windows asking me for login info as in the attached screenshots.

I expect that the export function will have similar windows.

However, what I get is the message "Problem: URI has an authority component."

Please provide any additional information below.

This issue is the sequel to Issue 17. It has been suspected that the issue is with Google Docs. However, I do not think that very likely, as I can reproduce it with Zoho and WebDAV.


Comment #1

Posted on May 2, 2010 by Massive Rabbit

Can you share with path to file which you are trying to export?

Comment #2

Posted on May 2, 2010 by Massive Rabbit

One more thing, as I understand you have open document in OpenOffice.org Writer and you click on Export to Google Docs and this message appears, am I right? Or this error message is displayed after you hit OK on Export to Google Docs window?

Comment #3

Posted on May 2, 2010 by Grumpy Rhino

The error is path-independent. It occurs when I click ANY item of the File > Google Docs and Zoho sub-menu with the word "Export." There is no "Export to Google Docs" window. Nor is there any "Export to Zoho" or "Export to WebDAV" window. The screenshots are taken from the "Import from Google Docs" and the "Import from Zoho" windows, respectively.

Comment #4

Posted on May 2, 2010 by Massive Rabbit

I'm still not able to reproduce this :-( Can you try to uninstall OOo2GD and install it again?

Comment #5

Posted on Jul 9, 2010 by Massive Bird

i had this problem with oo2gd 2.1.2 on open office 3.2.1, updated to 2.2 and seems ok

i mean.. i'm not getting this error anymore but i did not have uploaded/downloaded anything...

Comment #6

Posted on Jun 5, 2011 by Quick Wombat

I get this error when trying to export spreadsheet to GDocs (only thing i Have tried so far) that is stored on a network share. When file is saved to local PC drive it works fine.

Version of OOo2GD: 2.4 Version of Java:Version 6 Update 25 Operating System:Win 7x32 Version of OO.org:3.2

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium