I just tried to build this extension, but it seems that nbproject/build-uno-impl.xml which the build.xml file references is not checked in. Therefore the build fails on import.
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 9, 2010 by Massive RabbitIt's IDE specific file [.form files also, but big chunks of code in forms are autogenerated by NetBeans so this is part of sources]. You should be able to compile whole project using libraries from lib directory + libraries from OpenOffice.org SDK
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 9, 2010 by Quick LionYou should be able to compile whole project using libraries from lib directory + libraries from OpenOffice.org SDK
Well, that's precisely what I'm trying to do. But OOo SDK still depends on ant for building JAVA UNO extensions, and ant chokes when the build files build.xml references it not there, regardless of they are autogenerated by the IDE or not.
Without those files, those who do not use NetBeans will not be able to build this project.
Status: WontFix