What steps will reproduce the problem? Having 2 different users (different user ids) getting access tokens through a single server using MySQL storage
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The user id is not respected by the library - a user may get the access token of a different user and use it against the provider successfully
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? oauth-php-175
Please provide any additional information below. In getSecretsForSignature() add this line: AND oct_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' to this SQL statement: $secrets = $this->query_row_assoc(' SELECT ocr_consumer_key as consumer_key, ocr_consumer_secret as consumer_secret, oct_token as token, oct_token_secret as token_secret, ocr_signature_methods as signature_methods FROM oauth_consumer_registry JOIN oauth_consumer_token ON oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id WHERE ocr_server_uri_host = \'%s\' AND ocr_server_uri_path = LEFT(\'%s\', LENGTH(ocr_server_uri_path)) AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL) <ADD IT HERE> AND oct_token_type = \'access\' AND oct_name = \'%s\' AND oct_token_ttl >= NOW() ORDER BY ocr_usa_id_ref DESC, ocr_consumer_secret DESC, LENGTH(ocr_server_uri_path) DESC LIMIT 0,1 ', $host, $path, $user_id, $user_id,$name );
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 6, 2011 by Happy BirdFixed it: https://github.com/sergeychernyshev/oauth-php/commit/31be483d205bac08bd238578bfb35e360e51ba1b
Same change in patch format attached:
- bug-98.patch 832
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Happy BirdIssue 101 has been merged into this issue.
Comment #3
Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Happy BirdLet me know if you have any questions regarding the patch.
Comment #4
Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Happy BirdThis issue was closed by revision r189.
Comment #5
Posted on Mar 15, 2011 by Happy BirdThanks for noticing.
We discovered it ourselves today because we upgraded to the latest oauth-php. Apparently we already had fixed it once but did not apply it upstream. Now everything should be alright again.
Comment #6
Posted on Jun 6, 2011 by Swift OxAnother bug related to this is, if the user is able to somehow change the $user_id through HTTP GET potentially, it is still possible to steal all the data (i.e. harvest all the ids).
The code should really check user_id in combination with the token and the verifier keys provider. At the moment, the user_id with any bogus token and verifier keys would still allow access to the service (this has been tested). The keys should be signed and compared along with the user_id.
Status: Fixed