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ID Status Summary
195 New Image download in NPR Type-Defect Priority-Medium
194 New auto play station on startup Type-Defect Priority-Medium
193 New App crashes phone Type-Defect Priority-Medium
192 New Audio doesn't restart after network change Type-Defect Priority-Medium
191 New Player repeats 30-second segments Type-Defect Priority-Medium
190 New WUSF stream plays when WGCU stream is selected Type-Defect Priority-Medium
189 New Truncation of stories and hourly news Type-Defect Priority-Medium
188 New Problem with Live Streaming Type-Defect Priority-Medium
187 New Live streaming does not work properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
186 New Application stops when trying to open a news story Type-Defect Priority-Medium
185 New Playlist stops after each storing, not continuing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
184 New Stream restarts after getting a notification Type-Defect Priority-Medium
183 New Stream restarts after each notification Type-Defect Priority-Medium
182 New no. player for kindle hdx Type-Defect Priority-Medium
181 New Nexus 5/4.4 KitKat Truncated Playback Type-Defect Priority-Medium
180 New Re-ordering playlist does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
179 New Starts playing next story at the time the previous story ended Type-Defect Priority-Medium
178 New No landscape mode for tablets Type-Defect Priority-Medium
177 Started Update Google Code Repo Type-Task Priority-Low Milestone-2.5.2
176 Fixed Add support for deep-linking from G+ Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Milestone-2.5.1
175 Fixed Padding too large on program page buttons Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.5.1
174 Duplicate Add toggle off capabilities to backround processes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
173 Backlog Upgrade Anayltics Type-Enhancement Priority-High
172 Accepted Add station metadata from NPR's BUS API Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
171 Fixed Station Page should display 'primary stream' at the top Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-2.5.1
170 Fixed Player scrubber should deactivate when playing station stream Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-2.5.1
169 Fixed Podcast sharing generates 404 URL Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.5
168 Fixed Tap notification of hourly newscast breaks Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.5
167 Backlog NPR is using GPS Type-Defect Priority-Low
166 Duplicate Playback sometimes won't start or starts midway through the story Type-Defect Priority-Medium
165 Live Topics nav item causing FC Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.4.1
164 Started User should be able to adjust text size and image quality via settings Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.5.2
163 Fixed Share intent should pre-populate with headline Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.5
162 Live Remove Mock Permissions Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.4.1
161 Fixed Add confirmation dialogue on clear playlist button Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-2.5
160 WontFix NPR Stream stops after I unplug my external speakers or headphones Type-Defect Priority-Medium
159 WontFix There is a short pause a moment after starting to listen to WAMU live stream Type-Defect Priority-Medium
158 Backlog Long Press in Now Playing List Not working Type-Defect Priority-Low
157 Done NewsStoryActivity wont open and the app crashes. Type-Other Priority-Medium
156 Verified Constant "Unable to Play Media" error with multi-item playlist Type-Defect Priority-Medium
155 Fixed Segments in a playlist don't always start at the beginning Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.5
154 WontFix Cannot play continously Type-Defect Priority-Medium
153 Duplicate Audio streaming does not restart after interruption by notification ringtone Type-Defect Priority-Medium
152 Fixed App stops after receiving email notification Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-2.4.1
151 Duplicate Crashes randomly when not in foreground Type-Defect Priority-Medium
150 Accepted Swap hardcoded programs list out for set based on NPR config file Type-Defect Priority-High
149 Live Primary image style Type-Defect Priority-High
148 Live Pull in secondary photos Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-2.4
147 Accepted Switch NPR API output to JSON Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
146 Live Unloaded images inside top stories detail pages when swiping Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.4
145 Backlog Ford Sync: After disconnect, player state not reset Type-Defect Priority-Low
144 Fixed Subtitle logic Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.3
143 Verified Switch Top Stories from 1002 to 1001 Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.3
142 Fixed NPR News app FCs rather constantly due to FordSync Type-Defect Priority-Medium
141 Live Modify Player Chrome Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
140 Live Add nav menu icon Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-2.4
139 Live Move Search Icon Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-2.4
138 Backlog Hide player when no stories to play Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
137 Live Images on story pages should enlarge when tapped Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-2.4
136 WontFix Streaming local NPR stations does not work. Podcasts are fine. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
135 Verified App force closing when in background Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.3
134 Duplicate Feature Request: Wdiget to toggle playback of favorite station Type-Defect Priority-Medium
133 Duplicate Streaming does not reconnect after losing/switching network temporarily Type-Defect Priority-Medium
132 Verified Reproducible NPE when trying to play next entry for next-to-last playlist item when last item has already been played Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.3
131 WontFix constant background service Type-Defect Priority-Medium
130 Fixed WRKF-FM Streams won't play Type-Defect Priority-Medium
129 Live Station feeds with non-audio RSS feeds cause FC Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-2.4
128 Fixed Investigate removing fine location in favor of coarse Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-2.2.1
127 Fixed Fix BadTokenException Bug Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.2.1
126 Fixed Investigate build options for 1.6 only Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.2.1
125 New Live Stream Skips Type-Defect Priority-Medium
124 WontFix open minded alternatives Type-Defect Priority-Medium
123 Backlog Support station streams with AAC media Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
122 Verified Crash on load Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.2
121 Verified Remove World of Opera from Programs Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-2.2
120 Started Add audio controls to lock screen for 4.0 Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-2.5.2
119 Fixed Re-Implement Audio Focus Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.3
118 Fixed Stories with no audio in playlist cause a crash Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.2
117 Verified Filter out station streams without at least one type 9 or type 10 audio stream Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-2.3
116 New Membership Type-Defect Priority-Medium
115 New svn command doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
114 Verified Pause/Stop audio playback when headphone jack is removed Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-2.3
113 WontFix Headlines will line-break in the middle acronyms like 'U.S.' Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-2.3
112 Verified Image Loading Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.2
111 Verified Ensure Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) Compatibility Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-2.2
110 Fixed NPR Widget Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-2.5
109 Fixed Exclude stories without full text from topic lists Type-Enhancement Priority-High
108 Fixed use production API key in next RC build Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.1
107 Fixed Individual segments in a program rundown should only show teaser text Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-2.1
106 Verified Load all segments for any given program Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.2
105 Verified Collections in NPR API Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-2.2
104 Live Favorite stations occasionally disappear or show duplicates Type-Defect Priority-Medium
103 Fixed Streaming stops after network issue and does not automatically restart Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.2
102 Fixed "no stories to play" on launch Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.3
101 Backlog Please allow me to have a unified playlist between and the Android app Type-Defect Priority-Medium
100 WontFix An add repeatedly interrupts the WAMU stream Type-Defect Priority-Medium
99 WontFix Force close playing hourly news summary Type-Defect Priority-Medium
98 Fixed Seek function doesn't work properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
97 Backlog Swap 'Music News' topic feed out for 'Music' Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
96 Fixed Stream stutters on Evo Sprint Type-Defect Priority-Medium