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ndis-actiontec - Mandriva.wiki


Try to explain how to setup connection on mandriva
(should work on mandriva 2008.x ,2009.x 2010 ... et cetera )


The setup is described in mandriva download pack, see here

downloads For Mandriva

Please make sure you have folowing mandriva packages pre-instaled : ndiswrapper and rp-pppoe

Username is usualy typed in form: yourname@provider

PPP Connection

After everything gets configured ,the connection is on one or two clicks :


  • Note:there may be packages that are causing kernel oops with ndiswrapper.
    Known package is zcip . Please uninstal this package.
  • Note:if you think you have configured network interface incorectly you may remove it , there is this option in Mandriva Control Center :
    Network & Internet => Remove a connection
  • Note: This approach for getting this modem up'n'runnin does NOT require libatm and linux-atm rpm packages
  • Note: to edit rc.local configuration file, for making autostart
    you may use kwrite from konsole Menu start => Tools => Konsole Terminal
    and there is known bug in kde4 ,the way of starting it is as follows :
    su - kwrite /etc/rc.d/rc.local


It's recomended that you setup firewalling after successfully connected to Internet.
Firewall HOWTO

Internet Connection sharing

Internet Connection sharing enables to transport internet from this usb modem onto other computers that are located in your LAN (local area network)
In case of only one other computer use so called CrossOver cable.
In case of multiple other computers use simple network hardware device called "Switch".
Mandriva is capable of full DHCP server functionality. Internet Connection sharing HOWTO