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ndis-actiontec - Ipv6onmodem.wiki


For several years internet protocol 6 is waiting behind a corner.
With this driver layout (bridged) it is possible to also pass trough this protocol without much modifications.


Conect to ipv6 using native connection from ISP
or different tunnels.

download for scripts that conects to ipv6

Implementation: Native

From version 2.4.3 of ppp daemon (pppd) it is possible to establish PPPv6 connections.
, as stated here on ipv6 inteligence .
However i can not test this setup yet.
When you add this line to "/etc/ppp/options" pppv6 is then negotiated: ipv6 ,
As alternative on debian/ubuntu , create /etc/ppp/peers/mojprovajder
with folowing , described in first .pdf document

user "korisnik@provajder" plugin rp­pppoe.so dsl0 # ili ime interfejsa noipdefault usepeerdns defaultroute persist noauth receive­all debug updetach ipv6

and in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets or /etc/ppp/pap/secrets put this "korisnik@provajder"   "*"     "lozinka"  "*"

then start pppd sudo pppd call mojprovajder

Implementation: Method 1

First method is known as 6to4,
using script from "anyweb" provider of New Zealand.

  1. connect as usual your modem so that you get ppp0
  2. run script
    ./tun6to4 start
  3. start firewalling for ipv6

* to disconnect do it this way
./tun6to4 stop

Implementation: Method 2

Second method , using freenet6 tunnels, (look in readme, freenet6.txt)

  1. first connect your modem using pppoeconf of pppoe-setup
    and verify that you have only one "ppp0"
  2. then start as root the script and you should usualy get v6 connectivity
    (after verify that you have "sit1" , this represents 6in4 connectivity)
  3. start firewalling for ipv6
    if you got "tun" instead of "sit1" that means your provider puts you behind protective NAT
    change name to "tun" in script or do not start v6 firewall
  • note:disconnect by using

  • note:verify steps are done by typing
    ifconfig -a

Implementation: Other # Popular ways are also tunnel broker , sixxs , or miredo TODO