What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Run the unittests in NCrontab 0.2 without debugger attached. 2. DontLoppIndefinitely will fail.
Expected results: DontLoppIndefinitely test should pass
Actual results: The test fails with the message "The test did not complete in the allocated time".
Suggested fix: Issue is in NCrontab.Tests.CrontabSchduleTests:256: if (worker.Join(!Debugger.IsAttached ? limit.Milliseconds : Timeout.Infinite)) since Milliseconds only contains the fractional number of milliseconds (< 1000). You would probably want something like: if (worker.Join(!Debugger.IsAttached ? (int)limit.TotalMilliseconds : Timeout.Infinite))
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 11, 2010 by Swift CamelSorry about this, didn't notice that google code by default didn't show all issues. I can see that this has already been fixed.
Thank you for a nicely written crontab parser!
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 12, 2010 by Massive Ox(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Duplicate