I am currently exploring myschedule web application to develop an UI based framework for our existing quartz based jobs. I have the following queries:
- When I searched for spring based configuration in myschedule, i found spring based configuration files under myschedule-1.x version. Is it possible to provide the same configuration for the latest version as well? Or else, shall I go-ahead and modify in my local environment (adding spring based configuration to the myschedule code).
Please let me know your thoughts/concerns.
Thanks & Regards, Loganathan
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 8, 2012 by Massive DogHello Loga,
I removed Spring in version 2 because it's such a simple web app, and I wanted to reduce dependency to reduce size. However the handlers I used in MySchedule is very POJO like, and be refitted into Spring if you like. There is nothing to prevent you to use Spring or anything other things along with MySchedule. However, keeps in my that MySchedule has two parts, the quartz add-on library and the web application, and you can use them separately. As far as reusing the webapp, it's more tricky since it's all built with the UI as it. You are free to modify it anyway you like, but modifying it and fit into another framework such as Spring MVC might take little digging on your own.
See our FAQ section on reusing the WAR in your app as well.
Have fun! Zemian
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 9, 2012 by Quick BearHi Zemian,
Thanks for your response. Thanks for allowing to go-ahead and modify the code as per the requirement. Also I would like to modify the JdbcSchedulerHistoryPlugin to store the results of the job executed and also not to persist the other listener results. Please provide your thoughts.
Thanks & Regards, Loganathan
Comment #3
Posted on Jun 11, 2013 by Massive Dog(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #4
Posted on Nov 12, 2013 by Happy WombatI've integrated Spring and MySchedule in my application. And the code is in jabb-core: {{{ net.sf.jabb jabb-core 1.0.25 }}} The integration is inspired by: https://gist.github.com/jelies/5085593
To use it, first define the bean in Spring context like this: {{{
Then, define this for the scheduler: {{{ org.quartz.scheduler.jobFactory.class = net.sf.jabb.quartz.AutowiringSpringBeanJobFactory }}}
The result is that the instances of your Job classes will be autowired. You can use @Autowired and @Value in your Job classes. And the parameters defined in data map will be injected into instances of your Job classes if there are setter methods for them.
Status: Answered