myschedule - issue #97
Is it possible in myschedule to manage JMX enabled remote quartz jobs
We are evaluating the myschedule UI to manage the remote Quartz Schedulers.
Wanted some clarifications regarding the same. 1> How to manage remote schedulers? Is it possible to manage JMX enabled remote schedulers or any other alternatives? 2> Can we check the logs of all the schedulers from UI? 3> How many jobs can myschedule handle? 4> Do we have a cluster and load balancing support for the same.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Best Regards, Srikanth.
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 28, 2012 by Massive DogHello Srikanth,
Please note that MySchedule is just a wrapper around the Quartz, and most of what you are requesting are available though quartz.
1> How to manage remote schedulers? Is it possible to manage JMX enabled remote schedulers or any other alternatives? See http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/wiki/Faq?ts=1346165503&updated=Faq#How_can_I_manage_remote_Quartz_using_MySchedule_?
2> Can we check the logs of all the schedulers from UI? Not from web UI. It's a good feature to have though, so I might consider adding into future release. For now, you would need to tail the server log file.
3> How many jobs can myschedule handle? See http://code.google.com/p/myschedule/wiki/Faq?ts=1346165503&updated=Faq#How_many_jobs_can_I_add_to_MySchedule_?
4> Do we have a cluster and load balancing support for the same. See http://quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.1.x/configuration/ConfigJDBCJobStoreClustering
Comment #2
Posted on Jun 11, 2013 by Massive Dog(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Answered