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myschedule - issue #93

Question about upgrade.

Posted on Aug 10, 2012 by Grumpy Elephant

Hi, We were using myschedule-2.3.0 with quartz-2.1.0, But, we found some issues with quartz-2.1.0.

Now the requirement is to upgrade the quartz-2.1.5 or quartz-2.1.4 based on whichever is stable without upgrading the myschedule code.

Is it possible? or do we have to do any changes in the myschedule-2.3.0 code?

Thanks & Regards, Santhosh

Comment #1

Posted on Aug 10, 2012 by Massive Dog

Hello Santhosh,

Thanks for using myschedule.

The myschedule-2.3+ dependency is the quartz 2.1.x series, so you should able to upgrade safely. However I haven't test out quartz-2.1.4/5 myself, so you would need to do more testing.

One way to upgrade is you can simply unpack the war file, then replace the quartz jar files under WEB-INF/lib directory. You can either repackage war back, or deploy it as in explode mode to test it out.

Another way is you can checkout our source and then change the pom.xml file for quartz version number and build your own war file.

Comment #2

Posted on Aug 10, 2012 by Massive Dog

There is third option you can upgrade quartz in myschedule without modifying it, and that is to use classloader trick. This depends on which app server you use. One general and intrusive way is to globally load the latest quartz jars into your JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory. This is more general Java env problem and you might already know. I just thought I might was well mention it as an option for you to consider.

Comment #3

Posted on Aug 13, 2012 by Grumpy Elephant


Thank you very much. We already have the code of myschedule-2.3.0. I tried to replace the quartz version-2.1.5. and tried to do the maven build. It failed at try/catch block of SchedulerTemplate saying that code doen't throw "ParseException". May they have handled it inside the quartz code itself in the new release.

I remove the try/catch block and the build went fine. Now I'm testing the basic scenarios.

If I have anymore question I will just write to you.

Thanks & Regards, Santhosh

Comment #4

Posted on Aug 21, 2012 by Massive Dog

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #5

Posted on Aug 21, 2012 by Massive Dog

BTW, I just released myschedule-2.4.4 that includes latest Quartz 2.1.6 today. I would recommend you to upgrade if possible.

Status: Answered

Type-Question Priority-Medium