
ID Status Summary
85 New BoundingFrustum.Contains(BoundingSphere)
84 New developing in c++
83 Started [Patch]Some Changes on the VertexPositionTexture.cs
82 Accepted [Patch]Correction of the "RenderTargetUsage" and "TextureProcessorOutputFormat" Enums
81 New Microsoft.Framework.Game.ResetElapsedTime implemantation
80 New Implement DynamicSoundEffectInstance
79 Accepted RenderTarget.GetTexture() should return a copy of the texture Type-Defect
78 Accepted RenderTargets are upside down Type-Defect
77 Started Effects system/pipeline Type-Implement
76 New Method OnItemAdded is absent in DotNetProject declared in MonoDevelop.Core.Dll version above 2.4
75 New Switch to OpenTK Type-Enhancement
74 Invalid still being developed?
73 Started The GraphicsDevice implementation needs some attention
72 Started RenderTarget is not implemented
71 New monoxna.pc is incomplete
70 Accepted Using Release config results in subprojects being compiled for Debug_Dotnet
69 New MonoDevelop.Xna references the wrong Gdk package
68 New Fake the MS Public Key
67 Invalid test game - xnaMugen Priority-Low OpSys-All Usability Type-Task
66 New MonoXNA app uses 100% one CPU core Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-Linux Performance
65 Accepted Move to XNA 4
64 Fixed Load failed: Could not set property 'Policies' in type 'Solution'
63 Invalid svn checkout does not get all the files
62 Invalid KeyboarState & PreviousKeyboardState problem Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Usability
61 Fixed monodevelop 2.2 can not load solution.
60 Fixed GamePad small fix
59 Fixed update order of game components
58 Fixed MonoXNA does not open in MD under Ubuntu 10.04 beta Type-Defect
57 Started Support XNB format version 4
56 New PackedVector Namespace
55 New Model based Class Completion
54 PatchRejected Unable to load Windows-authored content on Linux due to path separator mix
53 PatchAccepted Missing constructor for VertexPositionColor struct
52 PatchAccepted Unimplemented class: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DynamicVertexBuffer
51 PatchAccepted Patch for missing Color functionality
50 PatchAccepted Unimplemented class: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.ResolveTexture2D
49 Started Some classes/methods missing required for 3D
48 Started Support for 3D
47 Accepted Implement SpriteFont Content Pipeline and FontTextureProcessor?
46 Accepted Root documents: (Authors, ChangeLog, TODO, ...) are outdated
45 Accepted Project README outdated?
44 Fixed The name 'Visible' does not exist within the current context (CS0103)
43 Fixed Problem running MonoXNA in Ubuntu 9.10 Type-Defect
42 New Start working on audio (using Tao.SDL)
41 PatchAccepted Addes some /// comments
40 WontFix Grapics failure on ATI opensource driver (Ubuntu 9.04) Type-Defect OpSys-Linux Priority-Low
39 Fixed Let's show the world what mono.xna can do!
38 PatchAccepted Rectangle.Intersects() does not exitsts
37 Fixed Replace SdlDotNet with Tao.Sdl
36 Fixed Clean up the existing tests and get them working properly Maintainability
35 Fixed Helpy helpy
34 Started Implement Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.FBXImporter namespace
33 Fixed MSXNA-template don't compile Type-Defect
32 Started PackedVectors
31 Fixed Clean up development environment
30 Accepted Missing snk files for new projects
29 Fixed Texture loading errors
28 Fixed Implement the Quaternion class Type-Implement
27 Started Implement the Matrix class Type-Implement
26 Started Content Pipeline implementation Status Type-Enhancement
25 Invalid Running NUnit tests
23 Fixed Kenta Cho's Mazer Mayhem as default example Type-Other Priority-Low
22 Fixed Viewport Project method error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Accepted Building in linux? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 Accepted GamePad Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 WontFix Audio Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 PatchAccepted #3 Neozack - Re-patching patches Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 Duplicate #2 Neozack - MathHelper + Vector + Rob's Patch Type-Patch Priority-Medium
16 PatchAccepted Prebuild Examples Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 Duplicate #1 Neozack - Vector2, Vector3, Vector4 .Hermite Type-Patch Priority-Medium
14 PatchAccepted Patch MathHelper.Hermite + tests Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 PatchAccepted Generation Errors on ModelTypeReader.cs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 PatchAccepted GamePad implementation and unit tests Type-Patch Priority-Medium
11 PatchAccepted Implement Color class and unit tests, to be compatible with MSXNA Type-Patch Priority-Medium
10 PatchAccepted Removal of Examples Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 PatchAccepted Vector patch Type-Patch Priority-Medium
8 PatchRejected GameComponentCollection patch Type-Patch Priority-Medium
7 Invalid Enter one-line summary Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Fixed ContentReader Type-Patch Priority-Low
5 PatchAccepted duff Nunit Test Patch Type-Patch Priority-Low
4 PatchRejected patch for model pipeline Type-Patch Priority-Medium Component-Logic
3 Fixed Vector2/3/4 partial implementation with tests Type-Patch Priority-Medium
2 Fixed Vector3 implementation with tests Type-Patch Priority-Medium
1 Fixed Vector2 implementation with tests Type-Patch Priority-Medium