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mongoose - issue #414

mingw4.9 printf format for int64 should be also %I64d, not %lld

Posted on Jan 21, 2015 by Happy Monkey

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. compile mongoose with mingwi32, gcc version 4.9 2. try exe file in windows XP 3. simple index.html will not be shown ...

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? - browser hangs, because header is messed up

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? - mongoose ~december 2014, ArchLinux, cross compiling for windows

Please provide any additional information below. - mongoose.c lines:

if (defined(MINGW32) && (GNUC > 4 || (GNUC == 4 && GNUC_MINOR >= 4 && GNUC_MINOR < 8))) || defined(_MSC_VER)

define INT64_FMT "I64d"

... changin '< 8' to '< 10' ... solved the problem very well in my test.

Comment #1

Posted on Feb 17, 2015 by Massive Horse

Duplicate of https://github.com/cesanta/mongoose/issues/471

Status: Duplicate

Type-Defect Priority-Medium