I am using the example script primenumbers.lp just for testing but it gives an error like this
Error 500: Internal Server Error CGI program sent malformed or too big (>16384 bytes) HTTP headers: []
here is the script HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html
<html> <p>Prime numbers from 0 to 100, calculated by Lua:</p> <? function is_prime(n) if n <= 0 then return false end if n <= 2 then return true end if (n % 2 == 0) then return false end for i = 3, n / 2, 2 do if (n % i == 0) then return false end end return true end
for i = 1, 100 do
if is_prime(i) then mg.write('<span>' .. i .. '</span>&nbsp;') end
<p>Reading POST data from Lua (click submit):</p> <form method="POST" ><input type="text" name="t1"/><input type="submit"></form>
<pre> POST data: <? local post_data = '' if mg.request_info.request_method == 'POST' then post_data = mg.read() end mg.write(post_data) ?> request method: [<? mg.write(mg.request_info.request_method) ?>] IP/port: [<? mg.write(mg.request_info.remote_ip, ':', mg.request_info.remote_port) ?>] URI: [<? mg.write(mg.request_info.uri) ?>] HTTP version [<? mg.write(mg.request_info.http_version) ?>] HEADERS: <? for name, value in pairs(mg.request_info.http_headers) do mg.write(name, ':', value, '\n') end ?> </pre> </html>
I used the file with extension .cgi also
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 7, 2014 by Massive HorsePlease learn how CGI scripts must be written.
Status: Invalid