Migrating from mod_python, I miss this a lot:
""" PythonOption "require" "webdav_bt:jcea" """
I am passing to my script an option "require" with the value "webdav_bt:jcea".
Authentication scripts in mod_wsgi get a sanitized environment. I would like to inject values there, from the "httpd.conf" file. To avoid security issues, it could be inside a structure, like current "wsgi.errors" or "mod_ssl.var_lookup".
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 18, 2013 by Quick RhinoI haven't tested it, but you may be able to use:
Header set X-MyAuth-Require "webdav_bt:jcea"
This will require mod_headers and it will come through in the environ as:
Usually mod_wsgi relies on SetEnv, but those variables aren't put into a place the mod_setenv that can get them until after authentication occurs. You may though be able to smuggle it through as a header.
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 31, 2014 by Quick RhinoWould actually needed to have been:
Header set X-MyAuth-Require "webdav_bt:jcea" early
Not sure why not working though.
Any problem may be related to issues with mod_headers interaction described in:
Going to close this issue here and create new issue for why not working on new issue tracker.
Status: Duplicate