What's Considered "mobile"
Mobile will be true for the following things:
- Anything using Opera Mini
- Anything that claims to accept WAP
- Mobile Telephones (Cellphones)
- Most PDAs (I have omitted a few older ones that probably aren't on the web anyway)
- Consoles such as the PSP, Playstation, and Wii, under the general impression that they don't handle normal web browsing very well.
- Mobile web scrapers, such as AvantGo and Plucker
- Anything that specifically cloaks itself to look like one of the above
The following things are not considered mobile:
- "Internet Tablets" such as the N700, N800 and N810, and anything using Windows XP Tablet Edition or Vista, as they tend to cope fine with most normal pages
- Anything running standard desktop browsers
- Links, Lynx and the like, they have their own coping mechanisms
- Web spiders. For the moment I haven't decided to detect them, as doing so will slow down detection, the good ones respect robots.txt anyway, and the bad ones will either be lame or cloak themselves. If enough people moan at me on an issue, then I'll consider adding it.
The full list of user agents are in tests/mobile_useragents.txt and tests/other_useragents.txt and they are tested as part of the full test suite.
The latest version of this code is always being run on http://AmIOnACellphone.com/ - feel free to check there from a browser to see if it is correctly detected.
If you've found a user agent that works incorrectly, please raise an issue, and I'll review it to see if I can get the app to work with it.