I'm trying to use the request.mobile variable inside of a template. I've included the (minidetector) project in the django path and can, from inside of view code, print the request.mobile variable (True in the case of a mobile device). However, when I include the following template syntax in a template it prints nothing.
<h1>request.mobile: -->{{ request.mobile }}<--</h1>
Do I need to include a something special in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS inside of my settings.py? I can see that it is available in my view (as noted), but is unavailable in my template. Any ideas?
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 28, 2010 by Grumpy Kangaroomy first guess will be to add django.core.context_processors.request to your context processors setting. For more information see http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/ref/templates/api/#django-core-context-processors-request. Let me know if this works...
Comment #2
Posted on Dec 29, 2010 by Happy HippoAdding the context processors worked for me!
Comment #3
Posted on Dec 30, 2010 by Grumpy KangarooGood
Status: Fixed