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ID Status Summary
180 New How to down grade (how to execute Down() methods) my migrations
179 New Add customiation of schema info table name
178 New Insert of string with Quotes
177 New Exe error: "This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded."
176 New loadign System.Data.SQLite in 64 bit windows with 64 bit IE
175 New MSBuild cannot find dependencies on assemblies downloaded from NuGet
174 New SQLite now support foreign key
173 New Adding the ability to run a non-transactional Migration
172 New No strong name signing
171 New Create Table Doesn't if we use columns with reserved keywords (e.g. Order)
170 New Nuget
169 New Migratordotnet-devel misused
168 New MigrationLoader should depends on IEnumerable<Type> and not Assembly
167 New I can't get access to the connection or connection string
166 New optional transaction usage
165 New FluentMigrator
164 New git repository
163 New Database.Insert does not support Unicode characters (SQL Server)
162 New I Think this project is dead Please see http://github.com/schambers/fluentmigrator for an active version
161 New It's not possible to add columns of data type image (Sql2008) to store more than 8000 bytes.
160 New Option to generate a migration SQL script rather than running scripts directly against the database.
159 New SQLiteTransformationProvider#GetColumns does not return the correct DbType for Column#Type
158 New Request: Documentation for running tests
157 New Does not work on Linux due to System.Data.SQLite.DLL "DLL" capitalization
156 New Infinite loop when invalid target version specified
155 New Support for SQL 2008 DataTypes
154 New Command Timeout while running a migration script
153 New The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client (10g)
152 New Run all migrations in one transaction
151 New Multiple databases in one assembly
150 New SqlServerCe does not works. Assumes default schema is dbo
149 New Enhancement - locking down the version number a bit more
148 New SQL Server update breaks older deployments (Migrator.Providers/ Impl/ SqlServer/ SqlServerTransformationProvider.cs, r144)
147 New Allow removal of Null constraints
146 New Failing unit tests on SQL Server 2005
145 New Error removing columns with unique constraints
144 New SQLite.NET problems with adding Guid field with default value
143 New SQLite.NET parse problems
142 New SQLIte.NET problems with not null without defaults
141 New SQLite.NET problems with adding primary key
140 New SQLite.NET startup problem
139 New Inserting values with string formatting entries like "{0}" failes because of tracing not handling this.
138 New New patch - SQLAnywhere 11 support
137 New Add support for DateTimeOffset in Sql Server 2008
136 New Infinite loop when rolling back
135 Fixed Updated VS Item template Type-Enhancement
134 New Better support for SqlServer
133 New CREATE PROCEDURE Migration Fails Via Migration Script
132 New MySQL does not support non-numeric primary keys (such as GUID)
131 New Added support for multiple schemainfo instances
130 New SQLServer nvarchar(max)
129 New SQLite: Primary Keys on multiple fields
128 New Delete with multi-column where broken for SQL Server
127 New Case sensitive schemas cause internal exception on (in this case) column rename
126 New Value returned by GetColumnByName does not match the properties of the actual column in the database (SQL Server 2008, DATETIME column)
125 Fixed IDbCommand objects are not being properly disposed of Type-Defect
124 New When runiing ExecuteNonQuery command and the command has some curly brackets, the console application throws an exception.
123 New Can't use TransformationProvider.this[] to tell apart dialects
122 Invalid Request a Delete method to delete data without writing a sql statement
121 New How to generate script from the migrations
120 New How to create a column with a specific collation ?
119 Fixed TransformationProvider should implement IDispose Type-Defect
118 Fixed Retrieving the list of migrations currently applied to the database fails on Oracle with the Oracle ODP.NET driver Type-Defect
117 New SqlServerDialect needs TableNameNeedsQuote to return true
116 New Need documentation on how to activate Sql server 2005 dialect.
115 New DDL is not rolled back on Oracle after failed migration
114 New Detect reserved words (database and dialect dependant)
113 New Support clustered/custom indices
112 New MySQL column of type LONGTEXT
111 New MySQL and DbType.Currency
110 New GetColumnByName should not be case sensitive
109 New Problem loading referenced aseemblies
108 New Constraint update action is always the same of delete action
107 New Problems when the constraint don't have the same name of the index
106 New TransformationProviderase.AddBooleanColunWithDefault is failing against Oracle XE
105 New Exception when using another Oracle Data Provider version
104 New Configuration option to define where to save the schema update info
103 New Floating Point Columns Size
102 New Patch for Postgresql Guid support
101 New Patch for multi-column indexes
100 New TableExists fails to detect that table exists if table name is a reserved keyword
99 New Assigning a DateTime as default value to a DateTime-field renders invalid SQL (Postgres)
98 New Create Migrator Classes from CommandLine
97 New IDbCommand timesout after 30 seconds
96 New Multiple Insert Support with Patch
95 Fixed Down() method is not executed properly in v0.8.0 Type-Defect
94 New Class Migrator has the same name as the Assembly Migrator: issue with Wpf
93 New PostgreSQL and escaping
92 New PostgreSQL support: UUID and indexes
91 Fixed null values for Inserts and Updates insert empty strings Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-8
90 New Patch to correct quoted values in MySql
89 Fixed Method 'Started' in type 'Migrator.MSBuild.Logger.TaskLogger' does not have an implementation. Type-Defect Milestone-8
87 Fixed Patch to correct msbuild "To" parameter (timestamp values) in trunk Milestone-8 Component-Runners
86 New Inability to update a column via the Database.Update command unless column can be forced into a string.
85 New PostgreSQL provider assumes schema "public"
84 Fixed Migrator.Console takes Int32 version, should be long Type-Defect
83 Fixed Nant migrate task doesn't support migrating to long timestamp-style versions Type-Defect Component-Runners
82 New Add a timestamp column to the SchemaInfo table
81 Fixed Add a Database.Delete method
80 Accepted Database.RemoveConstraint parameter order incosistent with other Constraint methods Usability