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marketbilling - issue #210

orderId missing in INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA JSON field (in V3) for Subscriptions (app published to alpha)

Posted on Apr 25, 2015 by Happy Panda

STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Publish app to alpha
2. Publish subscription products for the app 3. Purchase a subscription using IabHelper from sample code

EXPECTED OUTPUT: Google Wallet Merchant Order Number should be returned as the value of the orderId field of INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA JSON field (in V3) for Subscriptions

Referenced documentation: http://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_subscriptions.html

If it is a test order, fake order id should be returned

ACTUAL OUTPUT: Purchase is successful but orderId field is completely missing from the JSON output

JSON output is of the format:

{"packageName":"<package name>","productId":"<product id>","purchaseTime":<purchase time>,"purchaseState":0,"purchaseToken":"<purchase token>","autoRenewing":true}

DEVICE: Reproduced on Samsung S3

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium