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marketbilling - issue #205

Order Id disappears after revoke subscription

Posted on Mar 5, 2015 by Helpful Dog

STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Purchase a subscription 2. Revoke subcription using api 3. Querry inventory using IabHelper from sample code

EXPECTED OUTPUT: The subcription should not be shown as bought

ACTUAL OUTPUT: The subscription is returned without an order id and with atuoRenewing set to true

AFFECTED ORDER IDS (IF RELEVANT): Can't provide the order id anymore



DEVICE: Any device (reproduced on nexus 5)

OUTPUT FROM ADB BUGREPORT ATTACHED: (Note: The output from "adb bugreport" is required for all bug reports.)

Comment #1

Posted on May 31, 2015 by Massive Panda

Hi! You're probably using your Google account as tester - check it in Google Play dashboard.

Make sure on the device you are testing there is only one Google account which is not a tester (I created a new account). It works for me.

  • To test that this step is working try buying a consumable product you should see a Google dialog with a message saying this is a test purchase (or text similar). Once you delete the test account and log in with new one it should work.

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium