marketbilling - issue #202
In App Purchase Test Accounts Treated as Test Accounts For Release Builds On Play Store
ISSUE: When downloading any of our released applications from the play store which uses google's in app purchase system, we noticed that making a purchase would always result in a test purchase dialog when actually starting the play services purchase intent. The text shown is "This is a test order, you will not be charged.".
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Push an application to the play store as an alpha build in order to test. 2. Set up a test account as a tester for the application. 3. Change the application from being an alpha build available only for approved testers to a release build available to the general public. 4. Uninstall the app from the device 5. Make sure the google account of the device is a test account for the application that will be downloaded. 6. Download the application from the app store. 7. Try to make an in app purchase in the app with the test user's account.
OS VERSION: Android 5.0
MARKET/MYAPPS VERSION: Play Services version 6.5.87 Play Store version 5.0.38
DEVICE: Nexus 5
EXPECTED OUTPUT: The behaviour that we expect is that once an application is released, any device that downloads it (regardless of whether or not they were previously an approved tester) should be charged for any in app purchases made. This is how the in app purchases behave on any pre-Lollipop devices that we have tested on.
ACTUAL OUTPUT: The actual behaviour is that any account approved to alpha test the application will see the message: "This is a test order, you will not be charged" when the play store's in app purchase dialog is displayed.
NOTES: We found that if the application is downloaded with a non-tester google account then the purchase dialog appears as expected - with no indication that the user will not actually be charged.
The applications that we saw this in had been released on the store for between 2 weeks to several months.
Attached is the output from running adb bugreport (bugreport.txt) as well as a screenshot of the google play dialog that we see when making purchases in the app using our test account from the released version on the play store.
- bugreport.txt 7.09MB
Status: New