I am trying to use the option to send mails using the lst file with addresses .
I have the following .lst file
To: renelabban@yahoo.com BCc: renelabbah@yahoo.com rene@trinsource.com
calling the following
MAILSEND -d exhub1.name.co.tt -smtp -l C:\IVR\MailSend\emails.lst -f renelabban@yahoo.com -sub "Testing mailsend "
when i run this it is prompting me for to and cc etc.
How can I get it to run using the .lst file containing the email addresses and not prompting me .
Looking forward to your response
Comment #1
Posted on Oct 15, 2013 by Quick DogI too have the same issue when trying to use the -l command. I get the following message:
Error: Unrecognized option: c:\mail\mail.lst
I have tried with and without quotes around the file structure, but still no luck. O/S is Windows 2008 R2 and using the latest build of mailsend.exe.
Comment #2
Posted on Oct 20, 2013 by Quick RabbitIf you are using newer version, the option is changed to -list. https://code.google.com/p/mailsend/wiki/ChangeLog#1.17b9
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