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mailsend - issue #45

inline attachments strange issue

Posted on Jun 22, 2014 by Happy Elephant


take a look to this issue please :D

Mails are received ( both accounts same app! ) under Outlook 2003 :

inline not displayed:

mailsend -smtp smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -sub "outlook does not show the inline text" -attach "document.doc" -attach "body.txt,text/plain,i" -starttls -auth -user myusername@gmail.com -pass userpassword -f myusername@gmail.com -t myusername@gmail.com

inline displayed:

mailsend -smtp smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -sub "inline correctly displayed in outlook" -attach "document.doc" -attach "body.txt,text/plain,i" -starttls -auth -user username@gmail.com -pass userpassword -f myusername@gmail.com -t username@yahoo.com

seems to not be stricly related to Outlook the inline issue !!!

p.s. ( more complex issue )

all the emails sent ( your choice about the inline (plain text) attachment , plus ( one or two etc...) .doc or .pdf or any other kind of attachemnts ) from a yahoo account ( auth via starttls or ssl does not matter ) to a group of others yahoo.* recipients ( for example defined in the plain text file list_address ( mailsend option ) ) are received broken ( instead ( same email ) other recipients included in the same list ( list_address option .. ) ( for example gmail .. ) are received correctly ... ! All the accounts are configured under the same app ( Outlook 2003 )

Hope this help





Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium