What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Just discovered it in my System Prefs. Don't recall seeing it before. 2. My internet keeps dropping out and I'm trying to figure out why. 3. Do I need MacFUSE on my computer (Macbook Pro OSX 10.6.3) What will happen if I delete it?
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 21, 2010 by Grumpy CamelQuite a few programs install MacFUSE along with them. That also mean that those programs usually need MacFUSE to function. For example apps like MacFusion and ExpanDrive use MacFUSE to allow you to mount ftp connections like hard drives.
The internet dropping out should have nothing to do with MacFUSE, never heard that problem being because of MacFUSE so I would recommend either posting on the apple support forums or making an appointment at your local Apple Store.
If you uninstall MacFUSE you shouldn't have any problems other then whatever Application installed it in the first place may cease to function correctly. So it would probably be best to think back to any recent install you have done before removing MacFUSE.
This is all just from personal experience so a Developer of MacFUSE would know better then me.
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 25, 2010 by Happy CamelI came in contact with MacFUSE the same way. I don't remember installing it or any notification of any app or hardware that asked me about installing it. Is there a list of apps and/or hardware that install MacFUSE anywhere? Thx. Steven
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 26, 2010 by Happy RabbitVMWare Fusion and Parallels also use it I believe to be able to accesses drives from inside the VM. As gramanfm said Expandrive also uses it.
Comment #4
Posted on Apr 30, 2010 by Happy Bird(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #5
Posted on Jan 30, 2011 by Happy PandaI installed Parallels and MacFUSE was installed along with it.
Comment #6
Posted on Mar 25, 2011 by Quick GiraffeExamples of software that might install MacFUSE along with it: - NTFS-3G / Tuxera NTFS for Mac (driver for the Windows filesystem NTFS) - fuse-ext2 (driver for the Linux filesystem Ext2) - VMware Fusion (for accessing virtual disks) - Parallels Desktop (the same as above, I think) - MacFusion - ExpanDrive - sshfs
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