What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Install MacFuse 2.0 and restart 2. Download the sshfs-static-leopard binary and rename to sshfs-static-10.5 3. Run with the source, destination and -oreconnect option
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expect it to mount the remote location at the destination. Instead I get the following error:Malformed Mach-o file error
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? MacFuse 2.0 Mac OS X 10.5.5
Please provide any additional information below. Some other people are also experiencing this problem, but they updated issue 398 which is currently closed
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 10, 2008 by Happy BirdIssue 398 may be "closed", but you read the comments in there, you should have noticed this link:
The problem is not with the file, but with how it's being downloaded. Anyway, sshfs binaries are made available as a courtesy--this site is not about sshfs, it's about MacFUSE, and this isn't a MacFUSE problem. Nevertheless, I've updated the sshfs wiki page to not link to the binaries directly, but tell how you can get them through svn, which should bypass this "issue".
Status: Invalid