
ID Status Summary
57 New unknown argument:-native Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 New Support for CLANG 3.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
55 New update site not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 New Indexer wont use -stdlib=libc++ option on OSX Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Accepted llvm-ld has already been removed in llvm 3.2 cause build failure. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
52 Accepted Cannot change builder settings Type-Defect Priority-High
51 New llvm-clang executables are not debuggable. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 New Null pointer exception when changing toolchain. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 New gdb not fully working with clang generated binary Type-Defect Priority-Medium
48 New Linker can't find SDL library Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 New Cannot compile 'Hello World' C++ project on Fedora 15 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
46 Accepted Indexer issues in C++ project Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 New Switching Current Toolchain to "LLVM with JIT/Interpreter" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 Accepted Ability to show intermediate files Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
43 Accepted Clang smart auto-completion feature Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
42 Fixed Preference page values are not applied to new projects Type-Defect Priority-High
41 Invalid LLVM Archiver not visible in tool settings Type-Defect Priority-Medium
40 Accepted Cancel button not working on LLVM preference page Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 WontFix Library search paths not working on CDT 7.x version (on Windows) Type-Defect Priority-Critical
38 Fixed llvm4eclipsecdt doesn't work with eclipse 3.6 SR2 Type-Defect Priority-Critical
37 Accepted Static code analysing support Type-Defect Priority-Medium
36 Invalid Can't copy-paste and press Enter to add new library search path Type-Defect Priority-Medium
35 Fixed Adding a LLVM path in preferences throws an exception when project doesn't have build info Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Fixed Content types have different id on tools and contentTypes extension Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 Accepted Test LLVM plug-in on Mac OS X Type-Task Priority-Medium
32 Fixed Externalize strings that need translation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 Fixed NPE when canceling DirectoryDialogs Type-Defect Priority-High
30 Accepted Duplicate GNU C/C++ languages in LLVM-GCC projects. Type-Defect Priority-Low
29 Fixed Newest revision doesn't build correctly C/C++ project with Clang on Windows Type-Defect Priority-High
28 Accepted Clang include directory is included in LLVM-GCC/LLVM-G++ projects instead of LLVM-GCC include directory Type-Defect Priority-High
27 Fixed Mac OS X support Type-Enhancement Priority-High
26 Accepted MinGW libraries are not included in the project Type-Defect Priority-Critical
25 Invalid Adding paths in LLVM Preference page doesn't affect newly created projects Type-Defect Priority-High
24 Fixed Refresh needed on Windows to display exe file after build. Type-Defect Priority-Low
22 Done Windows binaries are not created Type-Defect Priority-Critical
21 Accepted LLVM-GCC with MinGW uses Cygwin binaries Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 Invalid Preference page lists don't accept copy-pasted paths Type-Defect Priority-High
19 Fixed Linker output flag OS dependence? Type-Defect Priority-High
18 Fixed Using "-o=" during linking instead of "-o" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 Accepted Toolchains with static linker and JIT doesn't show up in project wizard Type-Defect Priority-High
16 Done Cygwin expect POSIX style path Type-Defect Priority-Critical
15 Accepted Linker can't find stdc++ library Type-Other Priority-High
14 Fixed Linker can't find .bc file when building a project on Windows. Type-Defect Priority-Critical
12 Fixed C/C++ Build Environment variables are not initialized Type-Defect Priority-Critical
11 Accepted Eclipse's 'clean project' option doesn't work properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 Invalid LLVM tool chain not listed on Windows new project wizard Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 Accepted Test cases Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
8 Fixed Make project folder under trunk. Type-Other Priority-High
6 Accepted Add project nature to allow a plug-in to tag a project as a specific kind of project Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
5 Accepted Make doesn't find llvm tool llc on Windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Started Test LLVM plugin on Windows Type-Task Priority-High
3 Done Make clean tries to rm on Windows Type-Task Priority-Medium
2 Invalid Debug uses the executable from the release Type-Defect Priority-High
1 Accepted LLVM toolchain disappears from Tool Chain Editor's Current toolchain dropdown menu when selecting another toolchain Type-Defect Priority-Medium