
A very simple, open source, free paint application for fun.

LittlePainter requires Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to run and is licenced under: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 (see LICENCE.txt for full licence text).

This program was made as a college project. I hope it will be useful (it was to me - I used it to make pictures for my first graduation project).

Beginner programmers should benefit from reading the source code, as most of it should be easy to understand, at least I hope so.

Feel free to explore the provided source code, or make your own modifications or experiments. Please keep in mind the GNU GPL3 licence: all freedoms are propagated to all derivative products.

Keyboard shortcuts:

= - change size

[ ] change opacity

p o change bend amount

esc cancel draw

ctrl-v pastes on current mouse coordinates, while menu command Edit-Paste pastes on upper right corner.

Project Information

The project was created on Feb 23, 2011.

paint CSharp simple image fun small