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ID Status Summary
179 Fixed sed error during build Type-Defect Priority-Medium
178 WontFix perfctr fails with error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
177 Done likwid-pin numbering inside cpuset Type-Defect Priority-Medium
176 Fixed likwid-pin & cgroups don't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
175 Fixed perl/ does not recognize the Xeon Phi counter LONG_DATA_PAGE_WALK (or any performance counter that contains "LONG" in its name) Type-Defect Priority-High
174 WontFix ERROR - [./src/perfmon.c:993] Uncore not supported on Desktop processors! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
173 Fixed Unify the calculation of Ratios Type-Review Priority-Low
172 Fixed Add OFFCORE_RESPONSE events to all capable architectures Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Release-4.0
171 Fixed Improvement of PCI Device search Type-Defect Priority-Medium
170 WontFix Add a box with for memory to the graphical output Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-topology
169 Fixed Handling of -c/-C argument in cpuset Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1
168 Fixed Typo in perfmon_haswell_events.txt (IDQ_ALL_MITE_CYCLES_4_UOPS/IDQ_ALL_MITE_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
167 Fixed Marker region name strings break at colon character Type-Defect Priority-Medium
166 Verified Unsupported Processor Type-Defect Priority-Low
165 Fixed Marker API dies with error claiming number of threads is not correct Type-Defect Priority-Medium
164 Fixed likwid-perfctr -C0 segfaults on startup if running in a cpuset Type-Defect Priority-Medium
163 Fixed Makefile arguments for 'ar' in 3.1.2 do not recreate liblikwid.a Type-Defect Priority-Medium
162 Fixed Compilation error for SVN due to missing parenthesis in src/perfmon.c Type-Defect Priority-Medium
161 Done How to use the timeline mode on sandy bridge? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
160 Done Likwid can not find correct msr path on Intel Xeon Phi Type-Defect Priority-Low Usability
159 Done ERROR - [./src/applications/likwid-perfctr.c:149] Failed to read argument string! Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-perfctr
158 Done Measurement of Uncore events with likwid-mpirun Type-Defect Priority-Medium
157 Fixed Disabling prefetching on Intel Sandybridge doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-features
156 Fixed Support for Intel Atom C2700 processors Component-perfctr Priority-Low Usability
155 Fixed likwid-pin: Wild core IDs when # of threads too large Type-Defect Priority-Medium
154 Fixed Topology code does not distinguish between NUMA node and CPU socket Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-topology
153 Fixed likwid-powermeter -p defect Type-Defect Priority-Medium 3.1.2
152 Fixed Wrong result in bench with more than one group Type-Defect Priority-High 3.1.2 Component-bench
151 Fixed default branch does not build Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Buildsystem
150 Fixed Improve robustness if PCI devices are missing Type-Defect Priority-Medium 3.1.2
149 WontFix Missing header files in libwid; missing symbol in linking Type-Defect Priority-Medium
148 Fixed Application fail to build with shared library Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1 Component-Buildsystem
147 Fixed TLB information for likwid-topology Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
146 Accepted Integrate latency benchmark facitlities in likwid-bench Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-bench Usability Release-4.1
145 Fixed Skip mask of 0 is ignored Type-Defect Priority-Medium 3.1.2
144 Fixed CPUID features uninitialized bytes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
143 Fixed Identify and optimize sleep times in likwid tools Type-Defect Priority-Medium
142 Fixed Compilation issue on debian jessie Type-Defect Priority-Medium 3.1.2
141 WontFix Building LIKWID on a non-AVX-capable machine does not work Component-Buildsystem Priority-Medium
140 New collecting pmu values at regular interval Type-Enhancement Priority-Low RElease-4.1
139 Started Profiling: Measure overhead of counter read/write Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
138 Fixed Missing pthread_barrier_destroy in threads.c Type-Defect Priority-Medium
137 Fixed Deprecated commandline option -t for likwid-pin Type-Defect Priority-Medium
136 Fixed List properties of benchmarks throws SegFault for non-existent benchmarks Type-Defect Priority-Medium
135 Fixed ERROR - [./src/strUtil.c:463] Error in parsing event string Type-Defect Priority-Medium
134 Fixed likwid-perfctr error with non-sequential nodes Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-4.1
133 Fixed Make shared library fails on Ubuntu 13.10 Type-Defect Priority-High 3.1.2
132 Fixed Build for Xeon Phi fails: assembler does not support RDTSCP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
131 Duplicate Illegal Instruction Type-Defect Priority-Medium
130 Fixed Typo in Makefile: "Buildung" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
129 Fixed likwid-accessD fails silently on Phi Type-Defect Priority-Medium
128 Fixed make likwid-accessD doesn't honor COMPILER Type-Defect Priority-Medium
127 Fixed Makefile sets HAS_RDTSCP for Phi Type-Defect Priority-Medium
126 Accepted Validate Phi events Type-Defect Priority-Medium
125 WontFix Make Problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
124 WontFix socket to bus mapping is not always the same Type-Defect Priority-Medium
123 Invalid Ensure that accessD runs on same processor as client Type-Defect Priority-High Release-3.1
122 Fixed Allow to measure multiple sockets in powermeter Type-Defect Priority-High Usability 3.1.2
121 Fixed Integrate Lua language scripting engine Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux
120 Fixed Compilation problem with Marker API Component-Docs Priority-Medium
119 Fixed likwid-perfctr error for Intel IvyBridge Type-Defect Priority-Medium
118 Fixed ICC and MIC compiling issue Type-Defect Priority-High
117 Fixed Fortran interface string handling is broken Type-Defect Priority-High Release-3.1
116 Fixed likwid-pin pollutes following line with ANSI color sequence Type-Defect Priority-Medium
115 Done Introduce intermediate output format which is easy to parse Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-4.0
114 WontFix valgrind likwid_topology Type-Defect Priority-Medium
113 Fixed Add output for Temperature on Intel processors Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-perfctr Usability
112 Fixed Timer module may face undeflow Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1
111 Fixed Interleaving support for ccNUMA processors in pin broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1
110 Fixed Make usage of Marker API more flexible Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-perfctr
109 Invalid Do not preload wrapper library in sequential case Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-pin
108 Fixed likwid-pin docs are incomplete Type-Defect Priority-Medium
107 Fixed RAPL support on IvyBridge-EP broken Type-Defect Priority-High
106 Fixed Add support for IvyBridge-EP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
105 Invalid cannot access msr device as normal user Type-Defect Priority-Medium
104 Done Support for non-consecutive processor IDS Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-4.0
103 Fixed Add output of supported architectures to likwid-perfctr Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-perfctr Usability Release-3.1
102 Fixed Add support for Haswell Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1
101 Fixed Core numbers are wrong in timeline mode Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1
100 Fixed How to use marker API in perfctr to measure interleaved parallel and sequential code sections Type-Defect Priority-High Release-3.1
99 Done ERROR - [./src/perfmon.c:623] Counter register MBOX0C0 not supported Type-Defect Priority-Medium
98 Fixed Events reported with "-H -g" switches not correct for L3CACHE group on AMD Interlagos Type-Defect Priority-Medium Release-3.1
97 Fixed Register check in accessDaemon does not support all architectures Type-Defect Priority-High Component-perfctr Release-3.1
96 Fixed L3 bandwidth is wrong on SandyBridge for certain data access patterns Type-Defect Priority-High Component-perfctr
95 WontFix Counting AVX Type-Defect Priority-Medium
94 Fixed Add support for round robin thread placement in likwid-pin Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux Component-pin Release-3.1
93 Fixed Bad link in the wiki introduction Type-Defect Priority-Medium
92 Fixed Can't link MIC benchmark objects to likwid-bench Type-Defect Priority-Medium
91 Fixed Output for CPI and runtime missing for custom event set Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-perfctr Usability Release-3.1
90 Fixed Make PCI Uncore interface on SandyBridge more robust Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-perfctr Usability
89 Done Provide an extended Version of likwid-perfscope script (timeline mode) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-perfctr Usability
88 Fixed Restrict Initialization to required counters only Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-perfctr Usability Release-3.1
87 Done Add Overflow treatment Type-Enhancement Priority-High Release-4.0
86 Fixed Add support for Atom Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-perfctr OpSys-Linux Release-3.1
85 Accepted Honor proposed Intel Hardware performance counter usage policy Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-Linux Component-perfctr Release-4.1
84 Fixed Only measure necessary counters in Marker API Type-Enhancement Priority-High Component-perfctr Performance Release-3.1
83 Fixed likwid-pin should work on unknown processor with physical core ids Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-Linux Component-pin
82 Fixed Replace fixed time duration in timeline mode with measured time Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-perfctr Release-3.1
81 Fixed Extend thread list syntax to allows for strides Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux Component-pin Component-perfctr Component-bench Usability
80 Fixed Allow scatter policy in thread list expressions Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux Component-pin Component-perfctr Component-bench Usability