
community wiki and code related to libGDX android library

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User Wiki 2.0

Mario (= the libgdx guy ;-) wrote a blog entry which makes this libgdx-users project obsolete:



Everyone will be capable of contributing to both the development guide/wiki as well as the javadocs. The first thing you need to do is drop me an e-mail at

contact at badlogicgames dot com

Provide a valid Google account so i can add you as a contributor to libgdx on Google Code. You will be granted write permissions for the Wiki only.



I propose everybody migrates to Marios "user wiki 2.0" initiative which addresses one of the goals yatayata and I had in mind when we started libgdx-users project. =)

  • radioking

libGDX Users

Community examples and tutorials for the android game library.

Please look at the Wiki!

We are very open about getting community input here, but googleCode doesn't allow you to register yourself for a project. To join up, please send a mail to

What is the idea?
The libgdx-users wiki will contain only the solutions and essential information needed to develop with libGDX. It is enriched by information provided by IRC chats, the forums, blog entries etc. In the forum you have a lot of distracting threads and less concentrated information on HOW to do things. If there is a question mentioned on the wiki pages there is always a solution found nearby.

Why not use Mediawiki or another public Wiki?
We will be adding source code and examples in the repository with this project. The wiki here integrates well with the code examples. Mediawiki etc. are spammed and hacked frequently due to their popularity. Google wiki also has a linked git repo - so much easier to manage with actual code. Alas, there is no auto-registation here, so we have to manually add people as contributors.

A note on editing pages:
When editing pages on the web interface it is a good idea to save in short intervals and copy your text to clipboard before saving. There will be an error when someone modified the same page before you were ready. The Wiki is not merging conflicts itself and just discards your text. :-( Another solution would be to edit it using the version control system GIT. This is explained on the Source tab:

Project Information

The project was created on Aug 12, 2011.

Android Game Library