What steps will reproduce the problem? Kryo k = new Kryo(); Output out = new Output(4096, Integer.MAX_VALUE); k.writeClassAndObject(out, void.class);
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? readClassAndObject should return void.class
What version of the Kryo are you using? 2.20, with Sun's Java 7 VM
Please provide any additional information below.
It seems void's class is not a class, at least on sun's vm. The following throws an exception:
if(!Class.class.isAssignableFrom(void.class)) throw new RuntimeException("void's class is not a class");
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 26, 2013 by Swift HorseFixed by revision r404.
It is now possible to do the following: kryo.writeObject(out, Void.class); kryo.readObject(in, Class.class); // equals Void.class
kryo.writeObject(out, void.class); kryo.readObject(in, Class.class); // equals void.class
Status: Fixed