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kite - KiteFunction.wiki


All code of the KiTE engine is contained inside the kite() function. There is an optional collection of formatting functions that is available at kite.formatters (JS object - map of name/function pairs)

The kite() function

The kite() function can be invoked in two different ways:

  1. kite( template:string, data:object|array]): string

    compiles and executes the template. Returns generated text (string)

  2. kite( template:string): function

    compiles the template. Returns function - compiled version of the template for later invocation with data.

Where: * template, string, is a source of the template or if it starts from '#' is treated as an id of <script type="text/x-kite" id=...> element that contains template source. * data, object or array, that contains data that will be used for template "instantiation".

Examples of calls:

var text = kite("#sample", data); // load and execute the template

var template = kite("#sample"); // compile the template var text = template(data); // execute the template - produce // text from the data.