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jwatch - issue #1

NaN in job monitor screen

Posted on Jul 1, 2011 by Quick Panda

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. go to job monitor screen with active jobs running 2. 3.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Date and time instead of NaN

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? JWatch 0.8 - Quartz 2.0.1 - CentOS 5.5 - Tomcat 6

Please provide any additional information below.


Comment #1

Posted on Jul 5, 2011 by Massive Hippo

Interesting. I never tested in a clustered environment, but good to know it sorta works. ;-)

Can you tell me briefly: 1. What browser/version are you using? 2. Can you paste what the JSON output looks like by hitting the RESTFul url? http://localhost:8081/jwatch/ui?action=monitor_jobs

This is likely a client-rendering issue.

Comment #2

Posted on Oct 12, 2011 by Swift Hippo

Hi I am experiencing the same issue as described here. I am using quartz 2.0.2, apache-tomcat 6.0.33. Do you have a solution or an idea where to look for this. Tested Firefox 6 and Internet Explorer 8 with same results.

Thanks, Torsten

Comment #3

Posted on Oct 12, 2011 by Swift Hippo

Here is the json result.


Comment #4

Posted on Apr 26, 2012 by Grumpy Elephant

I run in the same issue. In my case problem was e.g. a date 04/26/12 15:29:00 EEST. Reason is that javascript date.parse fails to parse some timezone declarations. I fixed this by changing the date format pattern in the Tools.java to "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss Z" which produces date as e.g. 04/26/12 15:29:00 +0300.

Comment #5

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 by Quick Hippo

even I am also getting the same issue


Comment #6

Posted on Nov 12, 2013 by Happy Dog

The date value is read by the application as a String instead a Date. When passing the date String to the Ext.util.Format.date method the parser doesn't understand the timezone code in the end of the String.

What I did to solve the problem temporally was remove the timezone code before parsing the date String.

I did something like:

function removeTimeZone(input) { var patt = '\d+/\d+/\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+'; return input.match(patt); }

So, the String '11/12/13 17:58:03 BRST' becomes '11/12/13 17:58:03' and the parsing works like a charm.

I'll commit this fix in my fork at GitHub (https://github.com/lucassaldanha/jwatch).

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium