Hi, I translated the python implementation to Java. Maybe you're interested in including it?
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 5, 2009 by Quick HippoWow fantastic! I patched it in and was able to get all the tests to pass.
Slight nit: add a second argument to getenv, so that the os.path.join() doesn't fail when joining with None (the default value):
os.getenv('JAVA_HOME', '')
I would like to do a couple things before "releasing" it:
1) Make sure the public Java API is consistent with the Python/JavaScript versions. It looks like it is, but does the package export any symbols that are implementation details, for example? (e.g. _ScopedContext and such are private in both Python and JavaScript)
I'm not a Java expert, but something I've seen recently in the Java world is to have this chaining:
This is like the optional named arguments in Python. So just return 'this' from each. Not sure if that's desirable or not.
2) A short README about the requirements to use it? (Java version, platform). Although I suspect there is not much to know here -- I just downloaded the default sun-java6-jre for my Ubuntu and it worked fine. (And I need to do the same for Python, 2.4+ is the goal, but I think it should probably work 2.2+ easily)
I'll add you as a member of the project, and since the tests all pass you commit it now if you like. I would like to get some more feedback and tweak it before releasing.
Also, how does it handle Unicode? I wrote a note that for Python, it's transparent (it just depends on the inputs), which I think is the right behavior.
Thanks a lot!
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 6, 2009 by Massive KangarooOK, committed.
I deleted a few "public" tokens, added a README and TODO to the java directory.
Here are the public classes/interfaces currently exported by the package:
BadFormatterError.java 9:public class BadFormatterError extends CompilationError { CompilationError.java 8:public class CompilationError extends JSONTemplateError { ConfigurationError.java 4:public class ConfigurationError extends CompilationError { DefaultFormatters.java 5:public class DefaultFormatters { DefaultProgramBuilder.java 5:public class DefaultProgramBuilder implements IProgramBuilder { EvaluationError.java 4:public class EvaluationError extends JSONTemplateError { IFormatter.java 3:public interface IFormatter { IFormatterResolver.java 3:public interface IFormatterResolver { IProgramBuilder.java 4:public interface IProgramBuilder { ITemplateRenderCallback.java 3:public interface ITemplateRenderCallback { JSONTemplateError.java 8:public class JSONTemplateError extends RuntimeException { MissingFormatter.java 4:public class MissingFormatter extends CompilationError { Template.java 23:public class Template { TemplateCompileOptions.java 3:public class TemplateCompileOptions { TemplateCompiler.java 8:public class TemplateCompiler { TemplateSyntaxError.java 4:public class TemplateSyntaxError extends CompilationError { UndefinedVariable.java 4:public class UndefinedVariable extends EvaluationError {
So, basically the errors, TemplateCompiler, TemplateCompilerOptions, ProgramBuilder, and for extensibility, the interfaces IProgramBuilder, IFormatter, IFormatterResolver, and ITemplateRenderCallback.
The requirements are documented in the README. It's been tested with Apple's Java 5 and 6.
About Unicode, I must admit that I have no experience dealing with it. Do you have any test cases that check Unicode handling?
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 10, 2009 by Quick HippoI'm closing this issue since it's in... I haven't seen as much feedback as I'd like on the Java version though. Are you using it for any of your personal projects that you could share as examples?
And I opened up a separate bug about unicode test cases. We definitely need those.
In Python there are 2 different string types -- str() and unicode(), and it matters to the internal API too. The testy.py tests can unfortunately only test a byte stream really.
Thanks again.
Comment #4
Posted on Apr 10, 2009 by Quick Hippo(No comment was entered for this change.)
Comment #5
Posted on Apr 10, 2009 by Massive KangarooI'm not actually using it for any personal projects (although the recently released GAE/Java seems like a nice place to use it), just did it for fun. I'll try to restructure the directories / build process first then make some examples (probably as jUnit tests and some webapp/JSP example).
Comment #6
Posted on Jan 19, 2011 by Happy WombatHi, I just downloaded the Java implementation and I plan to start using it on a real project. If you don't mind, I would like to reorganize the package structure and I'm happy to contribute with the TODOs.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Comment #7
Posted on Jan 19, 2011 by Happy WombatI tried to run Test.java using the attached file and I got the following Exception:
EXCEPTION: EvaluationError jsontemplate.EvaluationError: pushSection called when current cursor value is not a map (is: { "url-base": "http://example.com/music/", "playlist-name": "Epic Playlist", "songs": [ { "url": "1.mp3", "artist": "Grayceon", "title": "Sounds Like Thunder" }, { "url": "2.mp3", "artist": "Thou", "title": "Their Hooves Carve Craters in the Earth" } ] }) at jsontemplate.ScopedContext.pushSection(ScopedContext.java:22) at jsontemplate.SectionStatement.execute(SectionStatement.java:14) at jsontemplate.TemplateExecutor.execute(TemplateExecutor.java:10) at jsontemplate.Template.render(Template.java:52) at jsontemplate.Template.expand(Template.java:65) at jsontemplate_test.Test.main(Test.java:65)
The contents of the template and the dictionary are exactly what is shown as example in the intro page. Can you give me a hint on what I am doing wrong?
- songs.json 729
Comment #8
Posted on Jan 24, 2011 by Massive KangarooHi Matias, the dictionary's value is supposed to be an actual dictionary, not a string representation of a dictionary, so:
"dictionary": {"url-base": "...", "playlist-name": "...", "songs": [ {...} ] }
that should work.
Hope this helps, William
Status: Fixed