
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size
json-simple-1.1.1.jar 1.1.1 binary, with maven and OSGi support  Featured  OpSys-All  Type-Archive Feb 19, 2012 23.18KB
json-simple-1.1-bundle.jar 1.1 maven bundle  Type-Package  OpSys-All Jul 29, 2009 30.19KB
json_simple.jar Initial version of json_simple.jar  Type-Package  OpSys-All Feb 16, 2009 14.1KB
json_simple-1.1-all.zip 1.1 source, document and jar binary  Featured  Type-Source  OpSys-All Feb 1, 2009 43.76KB
json_simple-1.1.jar 1.1 jar binary  Featured  Type-Package  OpSys-All Feb 1, 2009 15.67KB
json_simple-1.0.2-all.zip source, document and jar binary  Type-Source  OpSys-All Jan 10, 2009 31.14KB
json_simple-1.0.2.jar jar binary  Type-Package  OpSys-All Jan 10, 2009 9.51KB
json_simple.zip Initial version of JSON.simple source and binary Jan 7, 2009 49.71KB
json_simple-1.0.1-all.zip source, document and jar binary  Type-Source  OpSys-All  Deprecated Nov 25, 2008 33.43KB
json_simple-1.0.1.jar jar binary  Type-Package  OpSys-All  Deprecated Nov 25, 2008 10.52KB