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ID Status Summary
130 New File mode specification error: (void-function prog-mode) when opening .js files
129 New comment-start should be buffer local
128 New let: Symbol's function definition is void: prog-mode
127 New js2-missing-semi-one-line-override does not work in a loop
126 New js2-mode crashes with "wrong-type-argument: stringp, nil" error
125 New js2-mode: comment lines not unwrapped
124 New fill-paragraph broken for comments
123 New support name completion?
122 New Expression closures not parsed correctly when inside an object
121 New imenu include all named function definitions
120 New "missing name after . operator" gets confused by properties named "private"
119 New "++x" without prior "var x" is not highlighted as an "undeclared variable" error
118 New error "`c-lang-defconst' must be used in a file"
117 New js2-additional-externs not respected?
116 New support https://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_JavaScript_1.7#let-scoped_variables_in_for_loops
115 New ECMAScript-262 5th Edition "use strict"; directive is incorrectly flagged as no-side-effect code
114 New Array destructuring with multiple ignored elements at the end breaks js2-mode completely
113 New js2-20090723b.el byte compile error: "Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size"
112 New unhighlight-regexp doesn't work properly
111 New [PATCH] Svn 80: Make mode name variable configurable
110 New Array assignment with missing elements breaks parser
109 New typing '#' sign crahes emacs
108 New Doesn't work with show-whitespace-mode: no syntax highlighting of comments
107 New forward-sexp not working properly
106 New "export" is missing from js2-keywords list
105 Fixed mixed EOL confuse js2-mode Type-Defect Priority-High
104 New Pound Sign/Hash/Number Sign in js2-mode crashes emacs on windows
103 New Bookmarklet editing mode
102 New Error/Warning report
101 New Comment indentation weirdness
100 Fixed Warn about usage of proprietary js1.2 keywords "export" and "import"
99 Duplicate /[^"]/ confuses js2 and makes it handle anything after the RE as a string Type-Defect Priority-High Usability
98 New [PATCH] r56: set js2-mode-must-byte-compile to nil. Do not require compiled file
97 Fixed [PATCH] r56: set js2-bounce-indent-flag to nil; Emacs de facto behavior
96 Fixed [PATCH] r56: set js2-basic-offset to de facto 4
95 Fixed variables named enum break js2-mode
94 New Anonymous function body indentation.
93 New Extra indentation in object literal of lines with slot name IN
92 New color theme is hard to read with dark background Type-Defect Priority-Medium
91 WontFix missed tags Type-Defect Priority-Medium
90 New syntax highlighting breaks for object attributes named "class" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
89 Accepted Warnings clobber isearch interface Type-Defect Priority-High
88 Accepted recursive folding Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
87 Fixed Fontification of comments inconsistent with other modes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
86 New js2-mode breaks font lock in default-generic-mode Type-Defect Priority-Medium
85 WontFix handling prototypejs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
84 Accepted "Missing ; after statement" gets confused by "new" Type-Defect Priority-Low
83 New indent-for-tab-command broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
82 New Auto indent should match previous line if they're at the same level Type-Defect Priority-Medium
81 New Auto indenting shouldn't change indentation after I've fixed it with tab Type-Defect Priority-Medium
80 Fixed Parser confuses quotes in a regexp with a true string Type-Defect Priority-Critical
79 Fixed Object properties 'default' and 'return' screwing up parsing? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
78 WontFix Compile failure: functions not known to be defined Type-Defect Priority-Medium
77 Invalid A block is a statement terminator, the parser does not recognize that Type-Defect Priority-Medium
76 Fixed Byte-compile fails on latest emacs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
75 New Indentation fails if the function declaration is wrapped Type-Defect Priority-Medium
74 Fixed Continue label to iteration statement yields unexpected syntax error. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
73 New indenting succeeding control statements without braces (with patch) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
72 WontFix Lisp nesting exceeds `max-lisp-eval-depth' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
71 Fixed bogus "no side effects" warning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
70 Fixed Typing a hash ('#') character outside of a string hangs emacs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
69 New External buffer edit does not trigger syntax highlighting update Type-Defect Priority-Medium
68 Accepted Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size Type-Defect Priority-Medium
67 Fixed Error with certain forms of namespaced E4X expressions. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 Fixed Possible spurious "code has no side effects" warning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
65 Fixed fill-paragraph is broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
64 New Indenting 'leading comma' style Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
63 Fixed jsdoc not being highlighted Type-Defect Priority-High
62 Fixed paren blinking doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
61 Fixed option for Enter to indent new line Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
60 Accepted "Locking" the function name on the top row Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
59 Fixed warning on line disables other formatting on line Type-Defect Priority-Medium
58 Fixed Invalid face reference opening yui file Type-Defect Priority-Critical
57 Accepted next-error should highlight error line Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
56 Fixed support JavaScript 1.8 Type-Enhancement Priority-High
55 Accepted support speedbar Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
54 Accepted use fringe to show error locations Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
53 Accepted parse and highlight e4x literals Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
52 Accepted parse and highlight regexp literals Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
51 Accepted warn on assignment to const Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
50 Accepted find a way to support JSON Type-Enhancement Priority-High
49 Accepted support html-mode, mmm-mode and mumamo Type-Enhancement Priority-High
48 Fixed command to toggle syntax error reporting Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
47 Fixed namespace cleanliness nit Type-Defect Priority-Medium
46 WontFix Surprising backward-sexp behavior Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 Accepted "jump-to-function" to go to a function definition Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
44 WontFix properties in an object literal that contain functions are not always highlighted as a function Type-Defect Priority-Medium
43 Duplicate '#' character hangs Emacs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
42 Fixed hide-comments should hide //-comments
41 Fixed Simply opening a file in js2-mode will "fix" whitespace Type-Defect Priority-Medium
40 Fixed Warning on byte-compile Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Accepted improve responsiveness when parsing large buffers Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Fixed chokes on non-ASCII characters Type-Defect Priority-High
37 Fixed Typing #( seems to cause Emacs to loop infinitely Type-Defect Priority-High
36 Accepted add c-mode indentation keys Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
35 Fixed Abbrev definitions are created in the fundamental mode's abbrev table Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Fixed Unexpected behavior with js2-mode-find-tag Type-Defect Priority-Medium
33 Fixed need beginning-of-defun, end-of-defun, etc. Type-Enhancement Priority-High
32 Fixed instanceOf can have side effects Type-Defect Priority-Medium
31 Fixed Variable defined in closure considered undefined Type-Defect Priority-Medium