What steps will reproduce the problem? Genreal on some tags like br, hr, img, meta, link, input
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Samples: expected <meta ... /> instead <meta></meta>, expected <link ... /> instead <link></link>
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Version 0.03 on all systems. File: jqmTag.php
Please provide any additional information below. 1. open file jqmTag.php 2. search function openTag() 3. replace it with: // copy function openTag() { $tag = $this->tag(); $tag = strtolower($tag); $non = FALSE; switch ($tag) { case 'area': case 'br': case 'img': case 'input': case 'hr': case 'link': case 'meta': $non = TRUE; break; default: $non = FALSE; break; } $str = '<' . $tag; if ($this->attributes()->size() > 0) { $this->attributes()->separator(' '); if (''.$this->attributes()->get(0) != '') { $str .=' '; } $str.= $this->attributes(); } if ($non !== FALSE) { $str.= ' /'; } $str .= '>'; return $str; } // coppy 4. open file jqmTag.php 5. search function closeTag() 6. replace it with: // copy function closeTag() { $tag = $this->tag(); $tag = strtolower($tag); switch ($tag) { case 'area': case 'br': case 'img': case 'input': case 'hr': case 'link': case 'meta': $str = ''; break; default: $str = '</' . $tag . '>'; break; } return $str; } // copy
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