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jqmphp - issue #3

Wrong HTMl-Tag Outpout

Posted on Feb 15, 2012 by Grumpy Wombat

What steps will reproduce the problem? Genreal on some tags like br, hr, img, meta, link, input

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Samples: expected <meta ... /> instead <meta></meta>, expected <link ... /> instead <link></link>

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Version 0.03 on all systems. File: jqmTag.php

Please provide any additional information below. 1. open file jqmTag.php 2. search function openTag() 3. replace it with: // copy function openTag() { $tag = $this->tag(); $tag = strtolower($tag); $non = FALSE; switch ($tag) { case 'area': case 'br': case 'img': case 'input': case 'hr': case 'link': case 'meta': $non = TRUE; break; default: $non = FALSE; break; } $str = '<' . $tag; if ($this->attributes()->size() > 0) { $this->attributes()->separator(' '); if (''.$this->attributes()->get(0) != '') { $str .=' '; } $str.= $this->attributes(); } if ($non !== FALSE) { $str.= ' /'; } $str .= '>'; return $str; } // coppy 4. open file jqmTag.php 5. search function closeTag() 6. replace it with: // copy function closeTag() { $tag = $this->tag(); $tag = strtolower($tag); switch ($tag) { case 'area': case 'br': case 'img': case 'input': case 'hr': case 'link': case 'meta': $str = ''; break; default: $str = '</' . $tag . '>'; break; } return $str; } // copy

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium