I was not able to find a way to pass a "from username" parameter to a SearchRequest.Builder object (actual Twitter format is "from=<username>". I checked out the source and created a new method, similar to the .page method, which appends a parameter to the URL as above. I tested to the best of my ability (the new method appears to have worked, and didn't appear to have broken anything). Here's the patch if you'd like to check it back in to the code:
Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
P java-twitter
Index: src/main/java/net/unto/twitter/methods/SearchRequest.java
--- src/main/java/net/unto/twitter/methods/SearchRequest.java (revision 157)
+++ src/main/java/net/unto/twitter/methods/SearchRequest.java (working copy)
@@ -69,6 +69,16 @@
assert (page >= 1);
return parameter("page", Integer.toString(page));
+ * The originating user name whose results to retrieve.
+ * @param UserName The Twitter user name.
+ * @return Builder
+ */
+ public Builder fromuser(String UserName) {
+ assert (UserName.length() > 0);
+ return parameter("from",UserName);
+ }
public Builder geocode(Geocode geocode) {
return parameter("geocode", String.format("%s,%s,%s%s", geocode
Thanks, Josh
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 26, 2009 by Massive CamelFixed in r158. Please verify.
Status: Fixed