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Publish a Report in JasperReports Server

1. Publish a Report in JasperReports Server


Publish a Report in JasperReports Server

Option 1: Deploy report using JasperReports Server web interface

Note: You will need the .jxml file for the report.

  1. Login as a admin

  2. Right click on the Data Sources under Repository->Reports

  3. Select Add Resource->JasperReport


  1. Using the wizard, set up the required and other supported resources for the report.


  1. Set the data source to point BigQuery data connection if you have already created one.If not, create a new BigQuery connection.


Note: 1. The private key file path property points to a reference location local to the Jaspersoft Server.If running on a distributed setup make sure to have a local copy of the private key file on the Jaspersoft Server location and reference it with an absolute path.

Option 2: Deploy report to JasperReports Server from iReport

  1. Open JasperReports Server Repository Window

  2. Create a new server.

  3. Set the configuration properties for the server. Default organization name is organization_1

Note: You can skip steps 2 and 3 If you have already configured a server.

  1. Include the report to be deployed and click on publish.