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jaql - Building.wiki


The build Jaql from the sources, first check-out the project and from the project's root directory, issue:

  1. ant jar

To run the interpreter, please follow these instructions.

Using a different version of Hadoop

The default version of Hadoop used by Jaql is 0.20.1. However, Jaql supports multiple Hadoop versions (and dependent version of HBase). To build Jaql for another version, use the hadoop.version ant property. For example, to build for version 0.18.3, you use ant as follows:

  1. ant jar -Dhadoop.version="0.18.3"

We currently support Hadoop versions 0.18.3, and 0.20.1.

Eclipse Setup

The source code is a common Eclipse java project. It can be imported into Eclipse. It needs JDK 1.6 to compile. SUN JDK is preferred since hadoop prefers SUN JDK. jaql/.classpath contains all the Java libraries from multiple versions of hadoop and hbase. And jaql/.project contains stuff related to antlr and JavaCC. Eclipse Content Assist does not work with this .classpath file. jaql/eclipse directory contains .classpath file working with a specific version of hadoop and .project without antlr and JavaCC stuff. These .classpath and .project are preferred if you wan to work with only a specific version of hadoop and don't want to use antlr and JavaCC plugin.