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iui - issue #351

The IUI app is cut off into the status bar while using an iPod touch when the app is added to the homescreen...Please help

Posted on Dec 6, 2012 by Quick Panda

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The expected output is for the IUI app to behave like a normal app but when added to the homescreen but when using an iPod touch, the IUI app seems to cut off or merge into the status bar.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

iPod touch 4th gen with IOS 6.0.1

Please provide any additional information below.

I am not the only one facing this problem, i did some research and this problems mostly happens with iPod Touches

Comment #1

Posted on Jan 3, 2013 by Swift Monkey

Do you have a link to a sample that reproduces the problem?

Comment #2

Posted on Jan 3, 2013 by Swift Monkey

You might also try posting your question to the iPhoneWebDev group...

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