
ID Status Summary
17 New gettin problem in viewing all pois on camera Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 New Unable to see all apis on camera if more apis available at one direction Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 New Did the Center location can be updated with the GPS continuously ? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 New Toot close to the POint of interest and the marker goes out of visible cavas Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 New Notification system of change in location to delegate, so delegate can remove out-of-range objects and add new in-range objects Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 New Design decision: change the camera controller so that it can be specified by the developer? Or build it in and have it be show/hideable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 New Object Removability: ability to remove objects from the ARKit's purview Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 New Orientation: return to the delegate the orientation of the object you are viewing, in case it is from a skewed perspective. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 New Object Movement: Ability for objects to change their location Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 New Delegate views that have UIImages with animation don't animate without calling "animateImages" from within ARKit Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 New Unable to create views in advance Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 New Titles not showing under objects Type-Defect Priority-Low
5 New Ability to smooth jitteriness (probably with a high-pass filter) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 New Need to add yaw (tilt) support Type-Defect Priority-Medium
3 New Return list of nearby items to delegate Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2 New Coordinate system might be swapped from what Arshad did in Ghost app Type-Defect Priority-Low
1 New Use location from Core Location in ARGeoViewController Type-Review Priority-Medium